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6c denom (#12412)

  • Colnect-3686-608-Surcharged-with-New-Value.jpg
  • Colnect-604-074-Blue-faced-Honeyeater-Entomyzon-cyanotis.jpg
  • Colnect-1159-792-Queen-Elizabeth-II.jpg
  • Colnect-1104-420-Type-of-1965New-Value.jpg
  • Colnect-5468-499-Kangaroo-Paw-Western-Australia---Anigozanthos-manglesii.jpg
  • Colnect-1103-417-Glider-Flyingfish-Cypselurus-atrisignis.jpg
  • Colnect-1007-645-16th-Commonwealth-Parliamentary-Association-Conference.jpg
  • Colnect-1007-648-Dairy-Congress.jpg
  • Colnect-1007-650-William-Beasley-The-birth-of-Christ.jpg
  • Colnect-1007-651-United-Nations.jpg
  • Colnect-3507-432-Desert-Rose.jpg
  • Colnect-1007-661-Qantas-Aircraft-Boeing-707-and-Avro-504.jpg
  • John_Robertson_Duigan_on_postal_stamp.JPG
  • Colnect-4993-728-Edward-John-Eyre-right---bottom-sides-inperf.jpg
  • Colnect-4992-234-Famous-Australians--Adam-Lindsay-Gordon.jpg
  • Colnect-4993-611-Famous-Australians--Lachlan-Macquarie.jpg
  • Colnect-719-472-Natives-Assoc-n.jpg
  • Colnect-719-483-Sydney-Stock-Exchange.jpg
  • Colnect-719-473-Rotary-International.jpg
  • Colnect-3688-574-Dehusking-Coconuts.jpg
  • Colnect-719-478-R-A-A-F.jpg
  • Colnect-4696-761-Sastrugi.jpg
  • Colnect-719-480-Horse-Cat-Dog.jpg
  • Colnect-2120-898-Bishop-Patteson.jpg
  • Colnect-2120-899-Bible-opened-to-Acts-Chap.jpg
  • Colnect-3880-548-Adoration-of-the-Shepherds.jpg
  • Colnect-2122-647-Rose-Window.jpg
  • Colnect-1437-224-Flying-Fish-1887.jpg
  • Colnect-5764-311-Chrysoprase.jpg
  • Colnect-3114-619-2-mark-stamp-of-German-New-Guinea-1900.jpg
  • STS-Tuvalu-1-300dpi.jpg-crop-361x531at718-582.jpg
  • Colnect-3266-019-Overprint-Dehusking-coconuts.jpg
  • Colnect-3563-927-Reef-Egret-Egretta-sacra.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-415-Nukufetau-Coconut-Crab.jpg
  • Colnect-3880-569-Andrew-Clunies-Ross.jpg
  • Colnect-4399-072-Blue-Angelfpsh-juvenile.jpg
  • Colnect-6138-384-Semi-circle-Angelfish-Overprinted-OFFICIAL.jpg
Desc: 6c

Currency: Australian dollar (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 360

Users of this denom: Australia (19 stamps, 1966-1973), Australian Antarctic Territory (1 stamp, 1971), Christmas Island (3 stamps, 1971-1977), Cocos (Keeling) Islands (1 stamp, 1969), Gilbert Islands (2 stamps, 1976), Gilbert & Ellice Islands (3 stamps, 1966-1971), Norfolk Island (4 stamps, 1968-1971), Papua New Guinea (2 stamps, 1973), Tuvalu (5 stamps, 1976-1981)

Used by 40 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Australia 2/14/1966 6c org issue=1966 decimal d=Queen Elizabeth II (1966 Australia)
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 2/14/1966 6c issue=decimal overprint dt=dances & customs d=Gilbertese Man Dancing oc=blk on=issue=1965-4d wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Australia 2/14/1966 6c issue=1966 decimal d=blue-faced honeyeater perf=13.5
Norfolk Island 1968 6c d=Queen Elizabeth II (1968) perf=15
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 1/1/1968 6c issue=1968 wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Australia 7/10/1968 6c dt=state flowers d=kangaroo paw perf=13.5
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 7/9/1969 6c issue=1969 d=flying fish
Australia 10/2/1970 6c d=flame perf=13.5
Australia 10/7/1970 6c issue=XVIII International Dairy Congress d=herd of Shorthorns perf=13.5
Australia 10/14/1970 6c issue=Christmas 1970 d=Madonna & Child by Beasley perf=13.5
Australia 10/19/1970 6c issue=UN 25th d=United Nations emblem perf=13.5
Australia 10/28/1970 6c issue=1970 coil dt=state flowers d=Desert Rose perf=14.5h
Australia 11/2/1970 6c issue=Qantas 50th d=Avro 504 & Boeing 707 perf=13.5
Australia 11/16/1970 6c dkbl issue=famous Australians 1970 d=Reginald C Duigan - John R Duigan perf=15x14
Australia 11/16/1970 6c issue=famous Australians 1970 d=Edward John Eyre perf=15x14
Australia 11/16/1970 6c mar issue=famous Australians 1970 d=Adam Lindsay Gordon perf=15x14
Australia 11/16/1970 6c issue=famous Australians 1970 d=Lachlan Macquarie perf=15x14
Australia 4/2/1971 6c issue=ANA 100th perf=13.5
Australia 5/5/1971 6c issue=Sydney Stock Exchange 100th perf=13.75x13.25
Australia 5/17/1971 6c issue=Rotary Convention perf=13.5
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 5/31/1971 6c issue=1971 d=Dehusking coconuts wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Australia 6/9/1971 6c issue=Royal Australian Air Force 50th d=Dassault Mirage III in formation perf=13.75x13.25
Australian Antarctic Territory 6/23/1971 6c issue=Antarctic Treaty 10th d=sastrugi
Australia 7/15/1971 6c issue=RSPCA 100th d=horse&cat&dog perf=13.75x13.25
Norfolk Island 9/20/1971 6c issue=Patteson death 100th
Norfolk Island 9/20/1971 6c issue=Patteson death 100th
Christmas Island 10/4/1971 6c dkbrn&multi issue=Christmas 1971 d=The Adoration of the Shepherds
Norfolk Island 10/25/1971 6c issue=Christmas 1971 perf=14.25x13.5
Christmas Island 2/5/1972 6c issue=1972 dt=ships (1972 Christmas Island) d=HMS Flying Fish (1887)
Papua New Guinea 6/13/1973 6c issue=1973 dt=local scenes & occupations
Australia 7/11/1973 6c issue=1973 d=chrysoprase
Papua New Guinea 10/24/1973 6c issue=stamps 75th dt=stamps on stamps (1973) d=Postage Stamps- German New Guinea 17
Tuvalu 1/1/1976 6c issue=1976a d=Dehusking coconuts ovpt=TUVALU oc=blk on=issuer=Gilbert & Ellice Islands-1971-6c wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Gilbert Islands 1/2/1976 6c issue=1976a d=Dehusking coconuts ovpt=THE GILBERT ISLANDS//bar oc=blk on=issuer=Gilbert & Ellice Islands-issue=1971-6c wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Gilbert Islands 7/1/1976 6c dt=pictorials d=Egretta sacra (1976)
Tuvalu 7/1/1976 6c issue=1976c d=map of Nukufetau & coconut crab wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14x13.75
Tuvalu 1977 6c issue=1977 d=map of Nukufetau & coconut crab
Christmas Island 4/30/1977 6c issue=1977 dt=famous visitors d=Andrew Ferguson Clunies-Ross
Tuvalu 1/24/1979 6c issue=1979 dt=fishes (1979 Tuvalu) d=Angelichthys isabelita (1979) perf=14
Tuvalu official 7/2/1981 6c issue=1981 official dt=fishes (1979 Tuvalu) d=Angelichthys isabelita (1979) on=issue=1979-6c perf=14