Desc: 12c
Currency: Panamanian balboa (100c=1b)
Numerical sorting value: 720
Users of this denom: Panama (9 stamps, 1918-1965)
Used by 9 stamps of Panama: (See all uses as list)
1918 12c pur&blk dt=canal views d=SS Panama in Culebra Cut perf=12
5/1924 12c olgrn d=arms of Panama (1924) perf=12
6/10/1926 12c olgrn issue=Bolivar Congress 100th d=Bolivar statue perf=12
7/24/1934 12c yelgrn issue=National Institute 25th d=Justo Facio perf=12
11/25/1937 12c yelgrn issue=Cuerpo de Bomberos 50th d=David H. Brandon wmk=Harrison & Sons, London perf=12
12/7/1938 12c issue=US Constitution 150th d=Old Panama Cathedral Tower & Statue of Liberty perf=12
8/15/1939 12c ol issue=Panama Canal 25th d=Panama Canal perf=12
11/3/1953 12c pur issue=republic 50th d=J. A. Santos and J. De La Ossa perf=12
12/7/1965 12c issue=Marine Life 1965 dt=marine life (1965 Panama) d=Sphyrna zygaena (1965)