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10k denom (#12110)

  • Colnect-1666-071-Lily-throne-of-Mandalay.jpg
  • Colnect-2510-471-Elephant---Gottheit-Lawkana.jpg
  • Colnect-532-382-Mon-brass-gongs.jpg
  • Colnect-1383-479-Cloud-sun.jpg
Desc: 10k

Currency: Myanma kyat (100p=1k)

Numerical sorting value: 60000

Users of this denom: Burma (4 stamps, 1954-2000)

Used by 4 stamps of Burma: (See all uses as list)

1/4/1954 10k aqua issue=1954 wmk=elephant heads
9/1/1993 10k issue=Artifacts 1993
1998 10k
3/23/2000 10k issue=50th Anniversary of World Meteorological Organization