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1l denom (#11807)

  • Colnect-844-903-Vincent-van-Gogh-1853-1890-Dutch-painter.jpg
  • Colnect-838-369-Blue-Marlin-Makaira-nigricans.jpg
  • Colnect-844-936-Scouts-treating-injured-lamb.jpg
  • Colnect-844-932-Golden-fronted-Leafbird-Chloropsis-aurifrons.jpg
  • Colnect-838-382-Spanish-Flag-Lantana-camara.jpg
  • Colnect-844-915-Tyros-weather-satellite.jpg
  • Colnect-844-954-Apollo-Spacecraft-John-F-Kennedy.jpg
  • Colnect-844-938-Skylab-and-Copernicus.jpg
  • Colnect-844-987--Motherhood-.jpg
  • Colnect-844-928-UPU-emblem-old-and-new-trains.jpg
  • Colnect-844-925-Capricorn.jpg
  • Colnect-797-144-Game-scenes.jpg
  • Colnect-844-906-Churchill-and-Avro-Lancaster.jpg
  • Colnect-844-960-Cassis-nana.jpg
  • Colnect-1360-599-Royal-throne.jpg
  • Colnect-844-964-Hidden-Cup-Coral-Phyllangia-sp.jpg
  • Colnect-838-376-Madura-Prau-Bedang.jpg
  • Colnect-5247-198-Owl-Moth-Brahmaea-wallichii.jpg
  • Colnect-844-901-Dying-slave.jpg
  • Colnect-1693-627-Cross-country-skiing.jpg
  • Colnect-1189-850--quot-General-John-Burgoyne-quot--by-Reynold-Joshua-1723-1792.jpg
  • Colnect-838-380-Thomas-Alva-Edison-1847-1931-inventor.jpg
  • Colnect-4600-647-Wrestling.jpg
  • Colnect-2471-647-Coronation-ceremony.jpg
  • Colnect-844-973-Beethoven-in-Bonn.jpg
  • Colnect-844-983--quot-Miss-Anne-Ford-quot--by-Thomas-Gainsborough-1727-1788.jpg
  • Colnect-844-984-Lesser-Mascarene-Frigatebird-Fregata-ariel-iredalei.jpg
  • Colnect-4331-775-Charles-A-Lindbergh-1902-1974-aviator.jpg
  • Colnect-4556-795-Rheumatic-heart.jpg
  • Colnect-4419-044-Otto-Lilienthal%E2%80%99s-Glider-1890.jpg
  • Colnect-844-900-Mas-Odi.jpg
  • Colnect-844-892-The-Ampulla.jpg
  • Colnect-844-967-James-Cook.jpg
  • Colnect-1693-628-Common-Decorator-Crab-Schizophrys-aspera.jpg
  • Colnect-4583-390-Palms-and-fishing-boat.jpg
  • Colnect-844-978-Glory-Lily-Gloriosa-superba.jpg
  • Colnect-2455-238-Goofy.jpg
  • Colnect-4559-104-Leatherback-Sea-Turtle-Dermochelys-coriacea.jpg
  • Colnect-3028-719-Seal-of-Sultan-Ibrahim-II.jpg
  • Colnect-5722-132-Alice-in-Wonderland.jpg
Desc: 1l

Currency: Maldivian rufiyaa (100l=1r)

Numerical sorting value: 60

Users of this denom: Maldive Islands (41 stamps, 1973-1980)

Used by 41 stamps of Maldive Islands: (See all uses as list)

2/1973 1l dt=paintings of flowers (1973) d=Sunflowers (4th version) perf=14
8/1973 1l issue=fish & ships dt=fishes & ships d=blue marlin Makaira nigricans perf=14.75
8/1973 1l issue=Boy Scout World Conference 1973 d=Scouts treating injured lamb perf=15
10/1973 1l dt=wildlife (1973) d=Chloropsis aurifrons
12/19/1973 1l dt=Maldivian flowers d=Lantana camara (1973 Maldive Islands) perf=14
1/10/1974 1l issue=WMO 100th d=TIROS weather satellite perf=15
2/1/1974 1l issue=space exploration d=Apollo spacecraft & John F. Kennedy perf=15
4/10/1974 1l issue=Copernicus 500th d=Skylab & Copernicus perf=15
5/1974 1l issue=Picasso memorial dt=Picasso paintings (1974) d=motherhood perf=14
5/1974 1l issue=UPU 100th d=UPU emblem old & new trains perf=15
7/3/1974 1l dt=zodiac signs (1974) d=Capricorn perf=15
7/31/1974 1l issue=World Cup 1974 perf=15
11/20/1974 1l issue=Churchill 100th d=Avro Lancaster & Churchill perf=15
1/25/1975 1l dt=seashells (1975 Maldive Islands) d=Cassis nana
2/22/1975 1l dt=history (1975) d=Royal Throne perf=14
6/6/1975 1l dt=sea life (1975) d=Phyllangia perf=15
7/26/1975 1l issue=ships 1975 dt=ships (1975 Maldive Islands) d=Madura-Prau Bedang perf=15
9/7/1975 1l dt=butterflies (1975 Maldive Islands) d=Brahmaea wallichii (1975) perf=15
10/9/1975 1l dt=Michaelangelo works d=Dying Slave perf=15
1/10/1976 1l issue=Winter Olympics 1976 d=cross-country skiing perf=15
2/15/1976 1l issue=200th Anniversary of American Revolution d=General John Burgoyne by Reynolds
3/10/1976 1l issue=100th Anniversary of Telephone perf=15
6/1/1976 1l issue=Olympics 1976 perf=15
2/6/1977 1l issue=25th Year of accession of Queen Elizabeth II perf=14.5x14
3/26/1977 1l issue=150th Anniversary of the Death of Ludwig van Beethoven d=Beethoven in Bonn
4/20/1977 1l issue=250th Anniversary of the Birth of Thomas Gainsborough etc d=Miss Anne Ford by Thomas Gainsborough perf=14.5
8/1/1977 1l dt=birds (1977 Maldive Islands) d=Fregata ariel iredalei perf=15
10/31/1977 1l issue=50th Anniversary of Charles Lindbergh's Transatlantic Flight / 75th Anniversary of First Navigable A d=Charles A. Lindbergh perf=15
12/1/1977 1l issue=World Rheumatism Year d=Rheumatic heart
2/27/1978 1l issue=75th Anniversary of First Powered Flight d=Otto Lilienthal’s Glider 1890 perf=13.5
4/27/1978 1l dt=ships (1977 Maldive Islands) d=Mas Odi perf=15
5/15/1978 1l issue=25th Anniversary of Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II perf=14
7/15/1978 1l issue=250th Anniversary of the Birth of Captain James Cook / 200th Anniversary of the Discovery of Hawaiia d=James Cook perf=15
8/30/1978 1l dt=crustaceans (1978) d=Schizophrys aspera perf=14
11/11/1978 1l issue=10th Anniversary of Republic of Maldives d=palms & fishing boat perf=14.75
2/1/1979 1l issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Sir Rowland Hill perf=14
10/29/1979 1l dt=flowers (1979 Maldive Islands) d=Gloriosa superba (1979 Maldive Islands)
12/10/1979 1l issue=International Year of the Child b dt=Disney characters in postal service d=Goofy perf=11
2/17/1980 1l dt=sea turtles (1980) d=Dermochelys coriacea (1980 Maldive Islands) perf=14
7/26/1980 1l dt=sultans seals perf=14.25
12/22/1980 1l dt=Disney Alice in Wonderland perf=11