Desc: 5k
Currency: Angolan kwanza (1l=1e=1nkz=1kzr=1kz=1k)
Numerical sorting value: 300
Equivalent denoms: 5,00Kz (2), 5kz (6)
Users of this denom: Angola (32 stamps, 1980-1990)
Used by 32 stamps of Angola: (See all uses as list)
12/23/1980 5k issue=MPLA Congress dt=products (1980) d=coffee (1980) perf=14.5
6/15/1981 5k issue=1981 black bar perf=12x12.5
9/3/1981 5k issue=2nd Central African Games
2/26/1982 5k dt=butterflies (1982 Angola) d=Catacroptera cloanthe (1982)
2/18/1983 5k dt=flowers (1983 Angola) d=Dichrostachys glomerata perf=13.25
12/7/1983 5k issue=185th Anniversary of the Angolan National Post
11/12/1984 5k dt=animals (1984 Angola) d=Pan troglodytes (1984)
2/21/1985 5k dt=monuments (1985)
11/11/1985 5k issue=independence 10th perf=11
12/13/1985 5k dt=races (1985) perf=13.25
5/6/1986 5k dt=soccer (1986)
8/21/1986 5k issue=man in space 25th perf=11x11.25
12/3/1986 5k issue=liberation 30th perf=11.25x11
12/3/1986 5k issue=liberation 30th perf=11.25x11
12/3/1986 5k issue=liberation 30th perf=11.25x11
4/15/1987 5k dt=tribal hairstyles perf=11.5x11
7/7/1987 5k dt=scenic (1987) perf=11.5x12
6/15/1988 5k issue=Victory carnival 10th
10/16/1989 5k issue=World Cup 1990 perf=12x11.75
10/16/1989 5k issue=World Cup 1990 perf=12x11.75
10/16/1989 5k issue=World Cup 1990 perf=12x11.75
2/20/1990 5k dt=architecture (1990) perf=12x11.75
3/1/1990 5k dt=maps&locomotives
4/1/1990 5k
5/9/1990 5k dt=Hippotragus niger variani
5/9/1990 5k dt=Hippotragus niger variani
5/9/1990 5k dt=Hippotragus niger variani
5/9/1990 5k dt=Hippotragus niger variani
6/2/1990 5k issue=Belgica '90 dt=flowers (1990 Angola)
7/26/1990 5k issue=International Literacy Year d=zebra drinking
7/26/1990 5k issue=International Literacy Year d=bf. perf=14
7/26/1990 5k issue=International Literacy Year d=bg.