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$1250 denom (#1170)

  • Colnect-1549-539-Sun-Yat-sen.jpg
  • Colnect-2757-421-Cemetery-of-Confucius.jpg
  • Colnect-1579-093-Street-Post-Office.jpg
Desc: $1250

Currency: Chinese yuan (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 250000

Users of this denom: China (3 stamps, 1947)

Used by 3 stamps of China: (See all uses as list)

1947 $1250 redorg issue=1947b d=Sun Yatsen (1946 a) oc=blk on=1947-$70-redorg
8/27/1947 $1250 blgrn issue=Confucius d=Cemetery of Confucius
11/5/1947 $1250 issue=post offices