Desc: 2k
Currency: Icelandic króna (100aur=100a=1k=1kr)
Numerical sorting value: 12000
Equivalent denoms: 200a (4), 2kr (4)
Users of this denom: Iceland (23 stamps, 1904-1965)
Used by 23 stamps of Iceland: (See all uses as list)
1904 2k olbrn&brtbl issue=1902 d=King Christian IX (1902) wmk=crown b perf=13
6/1/1907 2k dkbrn&dkgrn issue=kings d=King Frederik VIII & King Christian IX wmk=crown b perf=13
2/17/1912 2k rose d=King Frederik VIII (1912) wmk=crown b perf=13
1920 2k olbrn&prusbl issue=1920 d=King Christian X (1920) wmk=mult crosses perf=14x14.5
1925 2k org issue=1924 oc=blk on=1911-25a-org wmk=crown b perf=13
1/1/1930 2k blgrn issue=Althing 1000th wmk=mult crosses perf=12.5x12
1931 2k graybrn&dkblgrn issue=1931 d=King Christian X (1920 redrawn) var=redrawn wmk=mult crosses perf=14x14.5
airmail 5/25/1931 2k olbrn&prusbl d=King Christian X (1920) ovpt=Zeppelin//1931 oc=blk on=1920-2k wmk=mult crosses perf=14x14.5
airmail 9/1/1934 2k redorg issue=1934 airmail d=map of Iceland perf=12.5x14
4/30/1939 2k dkgray issue=New York World's Fair d=Thorfinn Karlsefni sculpture (a) perf=14
10/10/1939 2k dkgray issue=1939 d=Thorfinn Karlsefni sculpture (b) perf=14
5/11/1940 2k dkgray issue=1940 d=Thorfinn Karlsefni sculpture (a) ovpt=1940 oc=blk on=issue=New York World's Fair-2k perf=14
airmail 8/18/1947 2k choc issue=1947 airmail dt=planes over landscapes (1947) d=Mt Thyrill perf=14
10/9/1949 2k orgred issue=UPU 75th d=Thingvellir road perf=14
10/12/1950 2k blkvio issue=1950 perf=13x13.5
5/13/1951 2k dpultra issue=postal service 175th d=mail delivery 1776 perf=14
4/4/1956 2k sep dt=power plants & waterfalls d=Dettifoss
5/8/1957 2k grn d=Snaefellsjokull
5/8/1957 2k grn issue=1950 d=Snafellsjökull perf=14
12/9/1958 2k dkgrn issue=old government building perf=11.75
11/25/1959 2k olgrn&blk dt=fauna (1959) d=eider ducks perf=14
7/15/1964 2k ol&multi dt=flowers (1964 Iceland) d=Trifolium repens (1964)
6/23/1965 2k issue=Surtsey formation perf=11.5