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10pf denom (#11315)

  • Colnect-4576-151-The-coat-of-arms-of-Danzig-with-lions.jpg
  • Colnect-2598-063-Face-value-in-an-oval-frame.jpg
  • Colnect-1607-912-Airplane-flying-over-the-silhouette-of-the-skyline-of-Danzig.jpg
  • Colnect-2603-584-Dienstmarke-overprints.jpg
  • Colnect-2601-152-The-coat-of-arms-of-Danzig-in-an-oval-frame.jpg
  • Colnect-2601-891-Neptune-fountain-sculpture.jpg
  • Colnect-2601-902-The-coat-of-arms-of-Danzig-in-an-oval-frame.jpg
  • Colnect-2597-963-Overprints.jpg
  • Colnect-786-305-Beach-and-the-resort-at-Brze%C5%BAno.jpg
  • Colnect-786-313-Skyline-of-Danzig-with-DLB-emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-2597-909-Face-value-in-an-oval-frame.jpg
  • Colnect-2603-544-The-coat-of-arms-of-Danzig-in-an-oval-frame.jpg
  • Colnect-2604-405-Treaty-with-Sweden-1630.jpg
  • Danzig_Gregor_Mendel_10_Pf_1939.jpg
Desc: 10pf

Currency: Danzig gulden (100pf=1g)

Numerical sorting value: 600

Users of this denom: Danzig (15 stamps, 1923-1939)

Used by 15 stamps of Danzig: (See all uses as list)

11/1/1923 10pf issue=new currency oc=blk on=50m-unissued
postage due 12/1923 10pf bl&blk issue=1923 due b d=arms of Danzig & lions over numeral wmk=octagons
airmail 1924 10pf issue=1924 air wmk=webbing
official 1924 10pf grn issue=1924 official d=arms of Danzig (1924) ovpt=Dienst-//marke(script) oc=blk on=issue=1924-10pf-grn-perf=14 wmk=webbing perf=14
1/19/1924 10pf grn issue=1924 d=arms of Danzig (1924) wmk=webbing perf=14
1/19/1924 10pf grn issue=1924 d=arms of Danzig (1924) wmk=webbing perf=syncopated
semipostal 7/7/1929 10pf issue=International Philatelic Exhibition 1929
11/15/1930 10pf grn issue=Free City 10th d=arms of Danzig (1924) ovpt=1920//15. November//1930 oc=blk on=10pf-grn wmk=webbing perf=14
postage due 12/20/1932 10pf bl&blk issue=1932 d=arms of Danzig & lions over numeral oc=blk on=issue=1923 due b-60pf wmk=octagons
6/23/1936 10pf dpgrn issue=Baltic Sea resort Brösen founding 125th d=beach & Baltic Sea resort Brösen wmk=webbing
3/27/1937 10pf dkbl d=civil air patrol wmk=webbing
postage due 1938 10pf issue=1938 pdue d=arms of Danzig & lions over numeral wmk=swastikas
7/8/1938 10pf d=arms of Danzig (1924) wmk=swastikas
1/7/1939 10pf issue=Prussia reunion 125th d=treaty signing wmk=swastikas
4/29/1939 10pf dt=scientists (1939) d=Gregor Mendel (1939) wmk=swastikas