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60s denom (#1117)

  • Colnect-2159-647-Dimitrovgrad.jpg
  • Colnect-2159-674-Building-of-the-Academy.jpg
  • Colnect-1631-773-Hans-Christian-Andersen.jpg
  • Colnect-2381-155-Bernhard-Shaw.jpg
  • Colnect-660-919-Revolutioners.jpg
  • Colnect-979-344-Nessebar.jpg
  • Colnect-1644-636-Wrestler.jpg
  • Colnect-2388-768-High-jumper.jpg
  • Colnect-2443-052-Stamp-of-1879.jpg
  • Colnect-621-458-Rock-Partridge-Alectoris-graeca.jpg
  • Colnect-1644-675-Tank.jpg
  • Colnect-867-192-Steelworker.jpg
  • Colnect-1644-682-Rosa-Luxemburg.jpg
  • Colnect-3059-956-Cypripedium-calceolus.jpg
  • Colnect-2988-070-Rhodopen.jpg
  • Colnect-4400-711-East-Side-of-the-Church-in-Boyana.jpg
  • Colnect-2988-098-Man-on-horseback.jpg
  • Colnect-1678-411-Cup-in-front-of-Map.jpg
  • Colnect-3670-565-The-forty-Saints-Martyrs.jpg
  • Colnect-3670-756-Tsar-Simeon-from-Constantinople-in-913--Invasion-of-the-Bulg.jpg
  • Colnect-4033-127-Spring-Painting-by-Vladimir-Kanchev.jpg
  • Colnect-4068-445-Badge-of-the-organization.jpg
  • Colnect-1764-466-UN-Building-in-New-York-Coat-of-Arms.jpg
  • Colnect-4040-152-James-Cook-and-Endeavour.jpg
  • Colnect-1453-824-Cynthia--s-Fritillary-Euphydrias-cynthia.jpg
  • Colnect-3223-380-BOEING-747-300-400.jpg
  • Colnect-1814-066-Javelin.jpg
  • Colnect-3415-555-Space-Probe--quot-Galileo-quot-.jpg
  • BG001.10.jpg
  • BG002.10.jpg
  • BG004.10.jpg
  • BG007.10.jpg
  • BG006.10.jpg
  • BG012.10.jpg
  • BG011.10.jpg
  • BG010.10.jpg
  • BG009.10.jpg
  • BG008.10.jpg
  • BG016.10.jpg
  • BG014.10.jpg
Desc: 60s

Currency: Bulgarian lev (100st=100s=100cm=1l)

Numerical sorting value: 3600

Equivalent denoms: 0.60l (76), 60st (25)

Users of this denom: Bulgaria (41 stamps, 1954-2010)

Used by 41 stamps of Bulgaria: (See all uses as list)

airmail 4/1/1954 60s redbrn issue=1954 air dt=plane over views d=plane over Dimitrovgrad perf=13
10/27/1954 60s blk issue=Bulgarian Academy of Science 85th d=Bulgarian Academy of Science perf=13
10/31/1955 60s prusbl dt=writers (1955) d=Hans Christian Andersen (1955 Bulgaria) perf=13
12/29/1956 60s sl dt=personalities (1956) d=Bernard Shaw perf=13
10/29/1957 60s dkcarrose issue=Russian Revolution 40th perf=11
1/20/1958 60s dkbl issue=1958 health resorts d=Nessebar
6/20/1958 60s issue=World Wrestling Championships 1958 d=Wrestler perf=11
11/30/1958 60s issue=Balkan Games 1958 d=high jumper perf=11
5/4/1959 60s issue=Bulgarian post 80th d=Stamp of 1879 imperf
5/4/1959 60s issue=Bulgarian post 80th d=Stamp of 1879 perf=11
6/30/1959 60s dt=birds (1959 Bulgaria) d=Rock Partridge perf=11
9/8/1959 60s issue=liberation 15th d=tank (1959) perf=11
2/15/1960 60s red issue=1960 plan d=steelworker perf=13
4/25/1960 60s issue=Womens Day 50th d=Rosa Luxemburg (1960) perf=11
7/27/1960 60s dt=native flowers (1960) d=Cypripedium calceolus (1960) perf=11
1/28/1961 60s issue=Boyana church murals 700th d=East Side of the Church in Boyana perf=11
1/28/1961 60s dt=regional costumes (1961 Bulgaria) d=woman of Rhodopen perf=11
2/25/1961 60s dt=cultural monuments d=Man on horseback perf=11
6/8/1964 60s orgyel&grngray issue=Levski Physical Culture Association 50th d=cup on map of Europe
4/30/1969 60s issue=Icons d=The forty Saints Martyrs perf=11.5x12.25
8/5/1969 60s issue=Chronicle of Konstantin Manassie (II) d=Tsar Simeon from Constantinople in 913 Invasion of the Bulg perf=14
5/20/1974 60s issue=Youth Stamp Exhibition '74: Children's Drawings d=Spring Painting by Vladimir Kanchev
8/12/1974 60s issue=30th anniversary Pioneer organization d=Badge of the organization perf=13
11/25/1980 60s issue=UN membership 25th perf=13
1/17/1990 60s dt=explorers & ships d=James Cook & Endeavour (1990) perf=13x12.75
8/8/1990 60s dt=butterflies (1990 Bulgaria) d=Euphydryas cynthia (1990) perf=12.75
8/30/1990 60s dt=airplanes (1990 Bulgaria) perf=13
10/16/1990 60s issue=Olymphilex 90
10/22/1990 60s dt=space (1990) perf=13.25x13
1/7/2010 60s issue=Miladinov 200th d=Dimitar Miladinov perf=13
1/25/2010 60s issue=Bulgarian National Radio 75th d=microphone & headphones perf=13
2/5/2010 60s issue=Winter Olympics 2010 d=luge (2010) perf=13
3/23/2010 60s dt=peonies (2010 Bulgaria) d=red peony perf=13
3/23/2010 60s dt=peonies (2010 Bulgaria) d=white peony perf=13
3/26/2010 60s issue=Bulgarian commanders 150th d=Dimitar Geshev perf=13
3/26/2010 60s issue=Bulgarian commanders 150th d=Vladimir Serafimov perf=13
3/26/2010 60s issue=Bulgarian commanders 150th d=Stilian Kovachev perf=13
3/26/2010 60s issue=Bulgarian commanders 150th d=Ivan Fichev perf=13
3/26/2010 60s issue=Bulgarian commanders 150th d=Georgi Vazov perf=13
4/23/2010 60s issue=Europa 2010 dt=children's books (2010 Bulgaria) perf=13
4/23/2010 60s issue=Europa 2010 dt=children's books (2010 Bulgaria) perf=13