Desc: 60c
Currency: Luxembourgish franc (100c=1fr=1f)
Numerical sorting value: 3600
Equivalent denoms: 60c. (1)
Users of this denom: Luxembourg (10 stamps, 1926-1949)
Used by 10 stamps of Luxembourg: (See all uses as list)
11/10/1926 60c blgrn issue=1926 d=Grand Duchess Charlotte (1926)
1927 60c bl d=Grand Duchess Charlotte (1921) ovpt=bars//60 oc=blk on=1924-75c-bl
1928 60c blk d=Grand Duchess Charlotte (1921) oc=blk on=1922-80c-blk
1928 60c bisbrn issue=1928 provisionals d=Grand Duchess Charlotte (1926) oc=blk on=issue=1926-80c
1928 60c blkbrn issue=1928 provisionals d=Grand Duchess Charlotte (1926) oc=blk on=issue=1926-65c
1928 60c rose issue=1928 provisionals d=Grand Duchess Charlotte (1926) oc=blk on=issue=1926-75c-rose
official 1928 60c blgrn issue=1928 official d=Grand Duchess Charlotte (1926) on=issue=1926-60c
11/6/1944 60c org issue=1944 d=Grand Duchess Charlotte (1944)
1945 60c vio d=lion (1945)
1949 60c orgbrn issue=1948 d=Grand Duchess Charlotte (1948)
All are var=wide margins perf=13