Desc: 7c
Currency: Panamanian balboa (100c=1b)
Numerical sorting value: 420
Equivalent denoms: 0.07b (3)
Users of this denom: Panama (11 stamps, 1938-1976)
Used by 11 stamps of Panama: (See all uses as list)
airmail 2/12/1938 7c gray issue=4th Central American and Caribbean Games wmk=Harrison & Sons, London
airmail 12/7/1938 7c issue=US Constitution 150th d=Old Panama Cathedral Tower & Statue of Liberty
airmail 8/12/1940 7c rosepink issue=1940 air oc=blk on=1939-20c perf=12
airmail 8/12/1940 7c ultra issue=1940 air d=General Gorgas oc=blk on=1939-15c-ultra-Gorgas perf=12
airmail 1/2/1941 7c org issue=new constitution air d=bicycle messenger oc=blk on=type=special delivery-10c-org perf=12
airmail 7/1/1941 7c issue=1930a d=airplane over map of Panama perf=12
airmail 6/4/1942 7c issue=1942 air perf=12
7/10/1958 7c issue=10th Anniversary of OAS wmk=star & RP multiple
7/20/1962 7c issue=Freedom of Worship dt=churches (1962) d=Church of San Miguel wmk=RP multiple
8/5/1969 7c issue=First Visit of Pope Paul VI - in Latin America on the Occasion of the 39th International Eucharistic d=Airmail
5/6/1976 7c issue=Marine Life 1976 dt=marine life (1976) d=Oreaster reticulatus (1976) wmk=interlocking circles