Desc: 1sh
Currency: Somali shilling (100c=1sh=1s)
Numerical sorting value: 6000
Equivalent denoms: 1.00s (1), 1.00sh (10), 1(sh) (1)
Users of this denom: Somalia (35 stamps, 1962-1982)
Used by 35 stamps of Somalia: (See all uses as list)
airmail 10/25/1962 1sh issue=anti-malaria wmk=stars
airmail 6/25/1963 1sh issue=Freedom from Hunger wmk=stars
airmail 9/15/1963 1sh issue=independence 3rd wmk=stars
airmail 4/27/1964 1sh issue=Somali Credit Bank 10th wmk=stars
11/8/1964 1sh issue=Somali Airlines inauguration d=Loxodonta africana wmk=stars
airmail 5/17/1965 1sh issue=ITU 100th wmk=stars
11/1/1965 1sh dt=animals & plants (1965) d=Nymphaea lotus and Phoenicopterus roseus wmk=stars perf=14
10/24/1966 1sh issue=UN 20th d=map of Africa (1966) perf=13x12.75
12/1/1966 1sh dt=Somali art wmk=stars perf=14
12/20/1966 1sh issue=UNESCO 20th wmk=stars perf=14
2/20/1967 1sh dt=gazelles (1967) d=Lythocranius walleri wmk=stars perf=14
8/15/1967 1sh issue=12th Boy Scout World Jamboree perf=13.25x12.75
9/21/1967 1sh issue=King Faisal visit wmk=stars perf=14x14.5
11/15/1967 1sh dt=tropical fishes (1967) d=Priacanthus hamrur perf=14.5
3/20/1968 1sh issue=WHO 20th d=Physician examining boy nurse wmk=stars perf=14.5x14
4/25/1968 1sh issue=1968 dt=fruits & animals d=Bananas perf=11.5
airmail 11/1/1968 1sh dt=birds (1968 Somalia) d=Merops nubicoides (1968) perf=11.5
3/25/1969 1sh dt=plants & animals (1969) d=Oleander Nerium oleander & Gazelles perf=13x12.75
5/10/1969 1sh issue=ILO 50th wmk=stars perf=14x14.5
4/22/1970 1sh issue=Lenin 100th d=Lenin addressing crowd perf=12x12.5
7/28/1970 1sh issue=independence 10th d=arms of Somalia UN emblem wmk=stars
10/21/1970 1sh issue=revolution 1st wmk=stars perf=14x13.5
7/25/1971 1sh issue=Pan-African Telecommunications Network wmk=stars perf=14x13.5
8/25/1971 1sh dt=Wild Animals (1971) d=Acinonyx jubatus (1971 Somalia) wmk=stars perf=14x13.5
10/21/1971 1sh issue=2nd Anniversary of Revolution wmk=stars perf=14x13.5
10/21/1972 1sh issue=3rd Anniversary of 21 October Revolution perf=14x13.5
1/1/1973 1sh dt=folk dances (1973) perf=14x13.5
10/21/1973 1sh issue=Introduction of New Somali Script
8/1/1974 1sh dt=sports (1974) d=Runners perf=14x13.25
12/15/1978 1sh issue=Flowers 1978 d=Cassia baccarinii perf=13.5x14
11/30/1979 1sh issue=10th Anniversary of Revolution perf=14x13.75
6/13/1982 1sh issue=World Cup 1982 perf=13.25x14
6/13/1982 1sh dt=soccer players (1982) perf=13.25x14
12/30/1982 1sh yel&multi d=Somali woman
12/31/1982 1sh issue=1982 d=Somali woman perf=14.25x13.25