Desc: 1sh
Currency: British West African pound (240d=240p=20sh=20s=1lb)
Numerical sorting value: 720
Users of this denom: Cameroun (2 stamps, 1915-1961), Gold Coast (13 stamps, 1888-1954), British occupation of Togo (3 stamps, 1915-1916)
Used by 18 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Gold Coast 1888 1sh pur issue=1883 d=Queen Victoria (1875 Gold Coast) wmk=crown & CA perf=14
Gold Coast 1898 1sh graygrn&blk issue=1898 d=Queen Victoria (1889 keyplate) wmk=crown & CA perf=14
Gold Coast 1902 1sh grn&blk issue=1902 d=King Edward VII (1902 keyplate) wmk=crown & CA perf=14
Gold Coast 1907 1sh issue=1907 d=King Edward VII (1902 keyplate) wmk=mult crown & CA perf=14
Gold Coast 1913 1sh d=King George V (1912 keyplate) wmk=mult crown & CA perf=14
Cameroun 1915 1sh car issue=1915a d=yacht (high value) ovpt=C.E.F.//value oc=blk on=1900-1m
British occupation of Togo 5/1915 1sh blk pc=grn issue=1915b ovpt=TOGO//ANGLO-FRENCH//OCCUPATION(lighter) oc=blk on=issuer=Gold Coast-1sh-blk-pc=grn
British occupation of Togo 4/1916 1sh ovpt=TOGO//ANGLO-FRENCH//OCCUPATION(heavier) oc=blk on=issuer=Gold Coast-1sh
British occupation of Togo 4/15/1916 1sh blk issue=1916 d=Bluish green paper
Gold Coast 1921 1sh blk&emer issue=1921 d=King George V (1912 keyplate) wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14
Gold Coast 8/1/1928 1sh redorg&blk d=King George V & Christiansborg Castle wmk=mult crown & script CA
Gold Coast 5/6/1935 1sh brnvio&ind issue=Silver Jubilee d=Windsor Castle & King George V wmk=mult crown & script CA
Gold Coast 4/1/1938 1sh dkgrn&blk issue=1938 d=King George VI & Christiansborg Castle wmk=mult crown & script CA
Gold Coast 7/1/1948 1sh orgred&blk issue=George VI pictorial d=breaking cacao pods & King George VI wmk=mult crown & script CA
Gold Coast 10/10/1949 1sh grn issue=UPU 75th wmk=mult crown & script CA
Gold Coast postage due 10/1/1952 1sh blk d=numeral (1923) wmk=mult crown & script CA
Gold Coast 3/1/1954 1sh redorg&blk issue=Elizabeth II pictorials d=breaking cocoa pods & Queen Elizabeth II wmk=mult crown & script CA
Cameroun 10/1/1961 1sh issue=1961 overprint d=Ahidjo ovpt=bars//REPUBLIQUE//FEDERALE//value oc=blk on=1960-25fr