Desc: 1sh
Currency: South African pound (240d=240p=20sh=20s=1lb)
Numerical sorting value: 720
Equivalent denoms: 1s (3)
Users of this denom: Basutoland (6 stamps, 1933-1959), Bechuanaland (4 stamps, 1886-1894), Bechuanaland Protectorate (10 stamps, 1888-1955), Cape of Good Hope (7 stamps, 1858-1902), Mafeking (1 stamp, 1900), Griqualand West (8 stamps, 1877-1879), New Republic (3 stamps, 1886-1887), Orange River Colony (8 stamps, 1868-1907), South Africa (26 stamps, 1913-1960), South West Africa (16 stamps, 1923-1954), Stellaland (1 stamp, 1884), Swaziland (6 stamps, 1889-1956), Transvaal (23 stamps, 1869-1907)
Used by 119 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Cape of Good Hope 2/18/1858 1sh yelgrn issue=1855 d=Hope reclining wmk=anchor (1853) imperf
Cape of Good Hope 1863 1sh emer d=Hope reclining wmk=anchor (1853)
Cape of Good Hope 1864 1sh yelgrn issue=1864 d=Hope seated var=frame line wmk=crown & CC perf=14
Orange River Colony 1/1/1868 1sh org issue=1868 d=orange tree (1868)
Transvaal 1869 1sh dkgrn issue=1869a d=arms (1869) imperf
Transvaal 1869 1sh dkgrn issue=1869b perf=Rouletted 15.5x16
Transvaal 5/1/1870 1sh yelgrn issue=1870a imperf
Transvaal 5/1/1870 1sh dkgrn issue=1870b perf=Rouletted 15.5x16
Transvaal 5/1/1870 1sh yelgrn issue=1870b perf=Rouletted 15.5x16
Griqualand West 4/1877 1sh yelgrn d=Hope seated var=frame line ovpt=G(5) oc=blk on=issuer=Cape of Good Hope-1864-1sh-yelgrn wmk=crown & CC perf=14
Griqualand West 4/1877 1sh yelgrn d=Hope seated var=frame line ovpt=G(1) oc=blk on=issuer=Cape of Good Hope-1864-1sh-yelgrn wmk=crown & CC perf=14
Griqualand West 4/1877 1sh yelgrn d=Hope seated var=frame line ovpt=G(2) oc=blk on=issuer=Cape of Good Hope-1864-1sh-yelgrn wmk=crown & CC perf=14
Griqualand West 4/1877 1sh yelgrn d=Hope seated var=frame line ovpt=G(3) oc=blk on=issuer=Cape of Good Hope-1864-1sh-yelgrn wmk=crown & CC perf=14
Griqualand West 4/1877 1sh yelgrn d=Hope seated var=frame line ovpt=G(4) oc=blk on=issuer=Cape of Good Hope-1864-1sh-yelgrn wmk=crown & CC perf=14
Griqualand West 4/1877 1sh yelgrn d=Hope seated var=frame line ovpt=G(6) oc=blk on=issuer=Cape of Good Hope-1864-1sh-yelgrn wmk=crown & CC perf=14
Griqualand West 4/1877 1sh yelgrn d=Hope seated var=frame line ovpt=G(7) oc=blk on=issuer=Cape of Good Hope-1864-1sh-yelgrn wmk=crown & CC perf=14
Transvaal 4/1/1877 1sh yelgrn issue=1877a
Transvaal 4/1/1877 1sh yelgrn issue=1877a d=Perf: Rouletted 15½ x 16
Transvaal 6/1/1877 1sh yelgrn issue=1877j
Transvaal 6/1/1877 1sh yelgrn issue=1877j d=Perf: Rouletted 15½ x 16
Orange River Colony fiscal 1878 1sh lilbrn issue=1878 fiscal
Transvaal 8/26/1878 1sh grn issue=1878 d=Queen Victoria (1878 Transvaal)
Griqualand West 1879 1sh yelgrn ovpt=G(17) oc=blk on=issuer=Cape of Good Hope-1sh-yelgrn
Transvaal 1883 1sh grn issue=1883
Stellaland 2/1884 1sh grn d=arms (1884)
Transvaal 1885 1sh grn issue=1885 d=arms of Transvaal (1885)
Cape of Good Hope 12/1885 1sh grn issue=1884 d=Hope seated var=frame line wmk=anchor (1884) perf=14
Bechuanaland 1886 1sh grn issue=1886 d=Hope seated var=frame line ovpt=British//Bechuanaland oc=blk on=issuer=Cape of Good Hope-1885-1sh wmk=anchor (1884) perf=14
New Republic 1/9/1886 1sh vio pc=bl issue=1886b
New Republic 1/9/1886 1sh vio pc=yel issue=1886a
New Republic 3/1887 1sh vio pc=yel issue=1887b d=nodate
Bechuanaland 11/1/1887 1sh grn issue=1887 d=Queen Victoria (1887) wmk=VR italics
Bechuanaland 8/7/1888 1sh grn issue=1888 d=Queen Victoria (1887) ovpt=(value) oc=blk on=1887-1sh wmk=VR italics
Bechuanaland Protectorate 8/7/1888 1sh grn issue=1888 d=Queen Victoria (1887) ovpt=Protectorate oc=blk on=issuer=Bechuanaland-1887-1sh wmk=VR italics
Swaziland 1889 1sh grn d=arms of Transvaal (1885) ovpt=Swazieland oc=blk on=issuer=Transvaal-1sh-grn
Cape of Good Hope 12/1893 1sh blgrn issue=1884 d=Hope seated var=no frame line wmk=anchor (1884) perf=14
Transvaal 1894 1sh grn d=arms wagon two poles
Bechuanaland 7/1/1894 1sh grn issue=1891 d=Queen Victoria (Jubilee 1sh) ovpt=BRITISH//BECHUANALAND oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1887-1sh wmk=imperial crown perf=14
Transvaal 1895 1sh grn issue=1895a d=arms wagon one pole
Transvaal 1896 1sh olyel&grn d=Wagon with One Shaft
Cape of Good Hope 5/1896 1sh yelbuff issue=1884 d=Hope seated var=no frame line wmk=anchor (1884) perf=14
Orange River Colony 8/1897 1sh brn issue=1868 d=orange tree (1868)
Orange River Colony 1900 1sh brn issue=1900a d=orange tree (1868) ovpt=V.R.I. oc=blk on=1sh-brn
Orange River Colony 1900 1sh brn issue=1900b d=orange tree (1868) ovpt=V.R.I. raised periods oc=blk on=1sh-brn
Transvaal 1900 1sh olyel&grn d=Wagon with One Shaft ovpt=V.R.I. oc=blk on=1896-1sh
Mafeking 3/24/1900 1sh olgrn issue=1900a d=Hope seated var=no frame line ovpt=MAFEKING,//value//BESIEGED. oc=blk on=issuer=Cape of Good Hope-1897-4p wmk=anchor (1884) perf=14
Transvaal 3/20/1901 1sh blk pc=yel issue=Pietersburg imperf d=small date&large P imperf
Transvaal 3/20/1901 1sh blk pc=yel issue=Pietersburg imperf d=large date&large P imperf
Transvaal 3/20/1901 1sh blk pc=yel issue=Pietersburg imperf d=small date&small P imperf
Cape of Good Hope 1902 1sh bis issue=1902 d=King Edward VII (1902 Cape of Good Hope 1sh) wmk=anchor (1884) perf=14
(plus 69 more) (See all uses as list)