Desc: 221t
Currency: Slovenian tolar (100s=1t=1sit)
Numerical sorting value: 1326000
Users of this denom: Slovenia (10 stamps, 2001-2005)
Used by 10 stamps of Slovenia: (See all uses as list)
3/21/2001 221t issue=Europa 2001 d=Europe & Zeus Relief from Roman Nekropole perf=14
1/21/2003 221t dt=Personalities (2003) d=Alfonz Paulin perf=14
11/11/2003 221t d=Letter sorting system perf=14x14.5
11/19/2003 221t d=Horse-drawn vehicle perf=14
1/22/2004 221t d=S. Kosovel perf=14
1/22/2004 221t issue=European handball championships 2004 perf=14
9/22/2004 221t issue=50 Years London memorandum perf=14
1/21/2005 221t d=Janez Trdina
5/20/2005 221t d=beehive panel with hunter & bird
5/20/2005 221t d=Anton Jeglic & St Stanislav Institute