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$5 denom (#10710)

  • Colnect-471-968-Queen-Victoria.jpg
  • Colnect-1011-530-Point-Pelee.jpg
  • Colnect-4329-477-La-Mauricie-Printer-CBN.jpg
  • Colnect-4338-188-Bonsecours-Market-Montreal.jpg
  • Colnect-2827-180-Bonsecours-Market-Montreal.jpg
  • Colnect-588-484-Public-Library-Victoria.jpg
  • Colnect-577-086-Moose-Alces-alces-.jpg
  • CA009.15.jpg
  • Colnect-3297-947-The-Transporter.jpg
  • Colnect-3297-948--ldquo-The-City-on-the-Edge-of-Forever-rdquo-.jpg
  • CA050.16.jpg
  • CA051.16.jpg
  • CA047.17.jpg
  • CA128.17.jpg
Desc: $5

Currency: Canadian dollar (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 30000

Users of this denom: Canada (17 stamps, 1897-2017)

Used by 17 stamps of Canada: (See all uses as list)

6/19/1897 $5 olgrn issue=Jubilee d=Queen Victoria, 1837 & 1897 perf=12
revenue 1900 $5 vermilion&blue issue=1900 Electric Light Effigy
revenue 1900 $5 vermilion&purple issue=1900 Electric Light Effigy
revenue 1900 $5 vermilion&black issue=1900 Electric Light Effigy
1/10/1983 $5 issue=1982 d=Point Pelee National Park perf=13.5
3/14/1986 $5 d=La Mauricie National Park perf=13.25
5/28/1990 $5 issue=1987 d=Bonsecours Market
12/27/1991 $5 issue=1991 d=Bonsecours Market Montreal perf=13.5
2/29/1996 $5 d=Public Library Victoria
12/19/2003 $5 d=moose definitive
2/15/2015 $5 issue=50th Anniversary of the Canadian Flag imperf
5/5/2016 $5 issue=Star Trek 50th Anniversary d=The Transporter
5/5/2016 $5 issue=Star Trek 50th Anniversary d=“The City on the Edge of Forever”
5/5/2016 $5 issue=Star Trek 50th Anniversary d=The Transporter (Lenticular) perf=14
5/5/2016 $5 issue=Star Trek 50th Anniversary d="The City on the Edge of Forever" (Lenticular) perf=14
4/27/2017 $5 issue=Star Trek 50th Anniversary Year 2 d=The Borg
10/24/2017 $5 issue=Toronto Maple Leafs - 100th Anniversary