Desc: 200cr
Currency: Brazilian cruzeiro (100cts=100c=1cr)
Numerical sorting value: 1200000
Equivalent denoms: 200.00cr (4)
Users of this denom: Brazil (9 stamps, 1964-1989)
Used by 9 stamps of Brazil: (See all uses as list)
1964 200cr issue=Rio de Janeiro 400th wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=10.75x11.5
1965 200cr purbrn issue=1965
6/25/1965 200cr blgray issue=Churchill memorial wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.5x10.75
1980 200cr issue=1980 dt=agricultural products (1980)
3/2/1985 200cr issue=Inauguration of the Metropolitan Surface Railway, Recife and Porto Alegre perf=11x11.5
3/8/1985 200cr issue=40th Anniversary of Military Parachuting perf=11.75
3/8/1985 200cr issue=Opening of Botanical Gardens, Brasilia d=Juglans cinerea perf=11.5x12
5/22/1985 200cr issue=1985 d=numeral (1985) perf=11.75x11
6/1/1989 200cr issue=1989 dt=flora (1989)