Desc: 55(c)
Currency: Canadian dollar (100c=1$)
Numerical sorting value: 3300
Users of this denom: Canada (10 stamps, 1987-2000)
Used by 10 stamps of Canada: (See all uses as list)
5/6/1987 55(c) dt=heritage artifacts d=iron kettle perf=12x12.5
12/28/1998 55(c) issue=1997 d=maple leaf (1997) perf=13x13.25
10/12/1999 55(c) issue=Millennium d=Peace Love 1999-2000 perf=13.5
11/4/1999 55(c) issue=Christmas 1999 d=Angel Carrying a Teddy Bear & a Small Sack of Toys
5/23/2000 55(c) issue=Fresh Waters of Canada d=British Columbia - Helmcken Falls perf=Serpentine Die Cut
5/23/2000 55(c) issue=Fresh Waters of Canada d=Saskatchewan - lake near Baldwinton perf=Serpentine Die Cut
5/23/2000 55(c) issue=Fresh Waters of Canada d=Alberta - Cameron Lake perf=Serpentine Die Cut
5/23/2000 55(c) issue=Fresh Waters of Canada d=Manitoba - Red River Lake Winnipeg perf=Serpentine Die Cut
5/23/2000 55(c) issue=Fresh Waters of Canada d=Ontario - Niagara Falls perf=Serpentine Die Cut
11/3/2000 55(c) issue=Christmas 2000 d=Christmas Creche