Desc: 85c
Currency: Costa Rican colón (100c=1col)
Numerical sorting value: 5100
Equivalent denoms: 0.85col (3)
Users of this denom: Costa Rica (21 stamps, 1940-1979)
Used by 21 stamps of Costa Rica: (See all uses as list)
airmail 5/2/1940 85c vio issue=La Sabana airport opening d=La Sabana airport building perf=12
airmail 1943 85c issue=1943 dt=Costa Rican presidents d=Juan Rafael Mora (1943) perf=12
airmail 1945 85c dkpur issue=1943 dt=Costa Rican presidents d=Juan Rafael Mora (1943) perf=12
airmail 3/7/1960 85c graygrn issue=3rd Pan-American Football Games perf=14
airmail 4/7/1960 85c rose&blk issue=World Refugee Year perf=11.75
airmail 12/14/1960 85c ltvio&blk issue=Olympics 1960 perf=13.5
airmail 10/24/1961 85c ltbl issue=United Nations Day 1961 d=Douglas DC-6 and globe perf=11.5
airmail 5/30/1962 85c issue=1962 surcharges d=Red print oc=blk on=80c-Red print
airmail 10/22/1962 85c issue=1962 surcharges c oc=blk on=2c
airmail 1/23/1963 85c grn&brnblk dt=mammals (1963) d=Cebus capucinus perf=13.5
airmail 2/14/1963 85c grn issue=Malaria Eradication perf=11.75
airmail 12/7/1963 85c graybl&dkbrn issue=Presidential Reunion, San Jose d=Villeda (Honduras) perf=14.5
airmail 12/23/1965 85c issue=2nd Anniversary of the Death of President Kennedy perf=13
airmail 12/1/1967 85c brnvio dt=churches and cathedrals (1967) perf=12.5
airmail 11/23/1969 85c issue=4th CONCACAF Football Championships
airmail 7/16/1973 85c dt=churches and cathedrals (1973) perf=12.5
airmail 7/30/1974 85c issue=25th Anniversary of Costa Rican Electrical Institute perf=10.5
airmail 10/14/1974 85c issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Roberto Brenes Mesen perf=10.5
airmail 10/30/1974 85c issue=50th Anniversary of Costa Rican Insurance Institute perf=14
5/24/1976 85c issue=UPU 100th (in 1974) d=Stamp of 1882 & Post Office perf=11.75
airmail 10/8/1979 85c issue=1979 dt=Costa Rican presidents d=Ascension Esquivel Ibarra perf=13.25