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4fr denom (#9338) (Dahomey usage only)

  • Colnect-905-999-Pottery.jpg
  • Colnect-992-673-15%C2%B0-anniv-de-la-D%C3%A9claration-universelle-des-Droits-de-l-hom.jpg
Desc: 4fr

Currency: West African CFA franc (100c=1fr=1fcfa=1f)

Numerical sorting value: 24000

Users of this denom: Dahomey (2 stamps, 1961-1963), Ivory Coast (2 stamps, 1960-1964), Mali (2 stamps, 1961-1966), Mauritania (3 stamps, 1961-1967), Senegal (3 stamps, 1966-1976), Upper Volta (3 stamps, 1960-1966) Show with all usages

Used by 2 stamps of Dahomey: (See all uses as list)

2/17/1961 4fr ol&mar dt=occupations (1961) d=potter (1961)
12/10/1963 4fr d=human rights