8c denom (#11078) (United Nations usage only)
Desc: 8c
Currency: United States dollar (100c=1us$=1p=1$)
Numerical sorting value: 480
Equivalent denoms: 8 (1)
Users of this denom: Marshall Islands (2 stamps, 2000-2005), Philippines (2 stamps, 1901-1904), Puerto Rico (1 stamp, 1899), Ryukyu Islands (6 stamps, 1959-1964), Caicos Islands (3 stamps, 1981-1985), Turks & Caicos Islands (34 stamps, 1969-1995), United Nations (52 stamps, 1954-1997), United States (130 stamps, 1875-1992), Canal Zone (5 stamps, 1939-1971), Guam (1 stamp, 1899), Virgin Islands (18 stamps, 1962-1986) Show with all usages
Used by 52 stamps of United Nations: (See all uses as list)
2/11/1954 8c issue=FAO d=ear of wheat
5/10/1954 8c issue=ILO d=UN emblem over anvil
10/25/1954 8c issue=UN Day 1954
12/10/1954 8c issue=Human Rights Day 1954
2/9/1955 8c issue=ICAO
5/11/1955 8c issue=UNESCO
10/24/1955 8c issue=UN 10th d=French
12/9/1955 8c issue=Human Rights Day 1955
2/17/1956 8c d=ITU
4/6/1956 8c d=WHO
10/24/1956 8c issue=UN Day 1956
12/10/1956 8c bl issue=Human Rights Day 1956 d=flame&globe
1/28/1957 8c issue=WMO d=weather balloon
4/8/1957 8c issue=UN Emergency Force var=reengraved
4/8/1957 8c issue=UN Emergency Force
10/24/1957 8c issue=Security Council
12/10/1957 8c blk issue=Human Rights Day 1957 d=flaming torch
2/10/1958 8c issue=IAEA
4/14/1958 8c lake d=Central Hall,Westminster
6/2/1958 8c issue=UN emblem
10/24/1958 8c d=gearwheels
12/10/1958 8c issue=Human Rights Day 1958
3/20/1959 8c d=NYC building
5/18/1959 8c orgred issue=UN Economic Commission for Europe
10/23/1959 8c brnzgrn issue=Trusteeship Council
12/10/1959 8c issue=World Refugee Year
2/29/1960 8c d=Chaillot palace
4/11/1960 8c d=I-beam & Asia map
8/29/1960 8c issue=5th World Forestry Congress
10/24/1960 8c dkgray issue=UN 15th
12/9/1960 8c d=block & tackle
2/13/1961 8c issue=International Court of Justice d=Scales of Justice
airmail 6/17/1963 8c issue=1963 airmail d=Symbol of Letters
4/28/1967 8c issue=EXPO 67 dt=allegorical figures d=UN pavilion
9/21/1971 8c issue=Racial Equality Year
10/22/1971 8c
11/19/1971 8c issue=U.N. International Schools d=Maia, by Picasso
2/14/1972 8c issue=Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
6/5/1972 8c issue=U.N. Environmental Conservation Conference, Stockholm
11/17/1972 8c dt=United Nations Art d="World United" - detail, Sert mural
3/9/1973 8c issue=Disarmament Decade
4/13/1973 8c issue=Stop Drug Abuse Campaign
5/25/1973 8c issue=U.N. Volunteers Program
10/1/1973 8c issue=U.N. Resolution on South West Africa
11/16/1973 8c issue=25th Anniversary of Declaration of Human Rights
2/12/1997 8c issue=1997
11/19/1997 8c issue=25th Anniversary of World Heritage Convention
11/19/1997 8c issue=25th Anniversary of World Heritage Convention
11/19/1997 8c issue=25th Anniversary of World Heritage Convention
11/19/1997 8c issue=25th Anniversary of World Heritage Convention
(plus 2 more) (See all uses as list)