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22p denom (#7643) (Great Britain usage only)

  • Colnect-122-197-Queen-Elizabeth-II---Decimal-Machin.jpg
  • Colnect-122-214-Lammastide.jpg
  • Colnect-122-219-Disabled-Man-in-Wheelchair.jpg
  • Colnect-122-224-Peacock-Butterfly-Inachis-io.jpg
  • Colnect-122-230-Giant-s-Causeway-Northern-Ireland.jpg
  • Colnect-122-238-Duke-of-Edinburgh-s-Award---Service.jpg
  • Colnect-122-243-Lobster-Potting.jpg
  • Colnect-122-249-Joseph-and-Maria-arriving-at-Bethlehem.jpg
  • Colnect-122-385-Violinist-and-Acropolis-Athens.jpg
  • Colnect-122-391-Shepherd-and-Lamb.jpg
  • Colnect-122-396-Golden-Arrow.jpg
  • Colnect-122-402-Seven-Spot-Ladybird-Coccinella-septempunctata.jpg
  • Colnect-122-408-Gustav-Holst---The-Planets-Suite.jpg
  • Colnect-122-413-Beachy-Head-Lighthouse-and-Chart.jpg
  • Colnect-122-418-Rural-Postbus.jpg
  • Colnect-122-423-Lady-of-the-Lake.jpg
  • Colnect-122-429-David-Niven.jpg
  • Colnect-122-439-Dame.jpg
  • Colnect-122-444-Thermometer-and-Pharmaceutical-Laboratory-Health.jpg
  • Colnect-122-449--Giotto--Spacecraft-approaching-Comet.jpg
  • Colnect-122-459-Pine-Marten-Martes-martes.jpg
  • Colnect-122-464-Freemen-working-at-Town-Trades.jpg
  • Colnect-122-469-Rowing.jpg
  • Colnect-122-480-Lord-Tedder---Typhoon.jpg
  • Colnect-122-488-The-Hebrides-Tribute.jpg
  • Colnect-122-495-Globe-Thistle.jpg
  • Colnect-122-500-Motion-of-Bodies-in-Ellipses.jpg
  • Colnect-122-505-CEPT--Pompidou-Centre-Paris.jpg
  • Colnect-122-510-Bandaging-Blitz-Victim-1940.jpg
  • Colnect-122-515-Scottish-Heraldic-Banner-of-Prince-Charles.jpg
  • Colnect-122-520-Great-Eastern-Beeton-s-Book-and-Prince-Albert.jpg
  • Colnect-122-542-Queen-Elizabeth-II---Decimal-Machin.jpg
  • Colnect-122-714-Armagh-Observatory.jpg
  • Colnect-122-720-Fetching-the-Christmas-Tree.jpg
  • Colnect-122-725-Cavalier-King-Charles-Spaniel-Canis-lupus-familiaris.jpg
  • Colnect-122-742-Michael-Faraday.jpg
  • Colnect-122-743-Charles-Babbage.jpg
  • Colnect-122-758-CEPT--Man-Looking-at-Space.jpg
  • Colnect-122-759-CEPT--Man-Looking-at-Space.jpg
  • Colnect-122-763-Fencing.jpg
  • Colnect-122-768--Rosa--Silver-Jubilee.jpg
  • Colnect-122-774-Iguanodon--Owen-s-Dinosauria-1841.jpg
  • GB048.09.jpg
Desc: 22p

Currency: Pound sterling (100p=1lb)

Numerical sorting value: 1320

Users of this denom: British Antarctic Territory (5 stamps, 1980-2003), Great Britain (43 stamps, 1980-2009), Northern Ireland (3 stamps, 1981-1990), Scotland (3 stamps, 1981-1990), Wales (3 stamps, 1981-1990), Guernsey (31 stamps, 1981-2006), Alderney (11 stamps, 2001-2004), Jersey (39 stamps, 1981-2001), Isle of Man (42 stamps, 1981-2003), South Georgia (1 stamp, 1986) Show with all usages

Used by 43 stamps of Great Britain: (See all uses as list)

10/22/1980 22p dkbl issue=1980 d=Queen Elizabeth II (Machin) perf=14.75x14.25
2/6/1981 22p dt=folklore d=Lammastide
3/25/1981 22p dt=disabled d=man in wheelchair perf=14.75x14.25
5/13/1981 22p dt=butterflies (1981 Great Britain) d=peacock (1981) perf=14.25x14.75
6/24/1981 22p issue=National Trust 50th dt=scenery (1981) d=Giant's Causeway,N. Ireland perf=14.75x14.25
8/12/1981 22p dt=Duke of Edinburgh Awards d=woman performing CPR perf=14.25x14
9/23/1981 22p dt=fishing (1981) d=lobster potting perf=14.75x14.25
11/18/1981 22p issue=Christmas 1981 dt=childrens drawings (1981) d=Joseph&Mary perf=14.75x14.25
9/25/1984 22p issue=British Council 50th d=Violinist & Acropolis Athens
11/20/1984 22p issue=Christmas 1984 d=shepherd & lamb perf=14.75x14.25
1/22/1985 22p issue=Great Western Railway 150th d=Golden Arrow perf=14.75x14.25
3/12/1985 22p dt=insects (1985 Great Britain) d=Seven Spotted Ladybird perf=14.25x14.75
5/14/1985 22p issue=Europa 1985 dt=British composers d=The Planets Suite perf=14.25
6/8/1985 22p dt=safety at sea d=Beachy Head Lighthouse & Chart perf=14
7/30/1985 22p issue=Royal Mail Service 350th d=Rural Postbus perf=14.25x14.75
9/3/1985 22p issue=Caxton edition of Morte D'Arthur 500th dt=Arthurian legends d=The Lady of the Lake perf=14.75x14.25
10/8/1985 22p dt=20th-century film stars & directors d=David Niven perf=14.25
11/19/1985 22p issue=Christmas 1985 dt=Christmas pantomime d=Dame perf=14.75x14.25
1/14/1986 22p issue=Industry Year d=Thermometer & Pharmaceutical Laboratory Health
2/18/1986 22p issue=Halley's Comet d=Giotto spacecraft approaching Comet perf=14.75x14
5/20/1986 22p issue=Europa 1986 dt=animals (1986 Great Britain) d=pine marten (Martes martes) perf=14.25
6/17/1986 22p issue=Domesday Book 900th dt=medieval scenes d=Freemen working at Town Trades perf=14.75x14
7/15/1986 22p issue=Commonwealth Games 1986 d=rowing perf=14.75x14
9/16/1986 22p issue=Royal Air Force Commanders & Aircraft d=Lord Tedder & Typhoon
11/18/1986 22p issue=Christmas 1986 dt=Christmas customs d=The Hebrides Tribute perf=14.75x14
1/20/1987 22p dt=flowers (1987 Great Britain) d=Echinops perf=14.75x14.25
3/24/1987 22p issue=Principia Mathematica publication 300th d=Sun & planets & Motion of Bodies in Ellipses
5/12/1987 22p issue=CEPT 1987 dt=British architects in Europe d=Pompidou Center, Paris perf=14.75x14.25
6/16/1987 22p issue=St. John Ambulance Brigade 100th d=Bandaging Blitz Victim 1940 perf=14x14.75
7/21/1987 22p issue=Order of the Thistle revival 300th dt=Scottish heraldry d=arms of His Royal Highness The Duke of Rothesay perf=14.5
9/8/1987 22p issue=150th Anniversary of Queen Victoria Accession d=Great Eastern Beetons Book & Prince Albert perf=14.75x14.25
2/9/1988 22p olgrn issue=1988 d=Queen Elizabeth II (Machin) perf=14.75x14.25
10/16/1990 22p dt=astronomy (1990) d=Armagh Observatory perf=14x14.25
11/13/1990 22p dt=Christmas activities d=carrying tree perf=14.75x14
1/8/1991 22p dt=dog paintings by George Stubbs d=King Charles Spaniel, by George Stubbs perf=14.25
3/5/1991 22p brn issue=Scientific Achievements d=Michael Faraday (1991) perf=14.25x14.75
3/5/1991 22p gray issue=Scientific Achievements d=Charles Babbage perf=14.25x14.75
4/23/1991 22p issue=Europa 1991
4/23/1991 22p issue=Europa 1991 perf=14.25x14.75
6/11/1991 22p blk issue=Sport 1991 d=fencing (1991) perf=14.25
7/16/1991 22p red issue=World Congress of Roses d=Rosa Silver Jubilee perf=14.25x14
8/20/1991 22p bl issue=Anniversary of Dinosaurs' Identification d=Iguanodon (1991) perf=14.25
3/31/2009 22p olbrn issue=2009 d=Queen Elizabeth II (Machin)