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1sh3p denom (#7522) (Great Britain usage only)

  • Colnect-2331-548-Queen-Elizabeth-II---Predecimal-Wilding.jpg
  • Stamp_UK_1953_1shilling3d_coronation.jpg
  • Colnect-2330-045-Queen-Elizabeth-II---Predecimal-Wilding.jpg
  • Colnect-121-522-Globe-with-compass-rose-and-scout-lily.jpg
  • Colnect-121-527-Welsh-Dragon.jpg
  • Colnect-2331-549-Queen-Elizabeth-II---Predecimal-Wilding.jpg
  • Colnect-121-560-Posthorn-of-1660.jpg
  • Colnect-121-574-Palace-of-Westminster.jpg
  • Colnect-121-578-Unified-Productivity.jpg
  • Colnect-953-650-Unified-Productivity-phosphor.jpg
  • Colnect-121-582-Children-of-Three-Races.jpg
  • Colnect-121-601-Balcony-Scene-in-Romeo-and-Juliet-phosphor.jpg
  • Colnect-121-614-Fringed-Water-Lily-phosphor.jpg
  • Colnect-121-620-Sir-Winston-Churchill-1-3-phosphor.jpg
  • BPMA-1965_BB_1_3.jpg
  • Colnect-121-646-Tower-and--Nash--Terrace-Regent-s-Park-phosphor.jpg
  • Colnect-121-655-Nasmyth-Portrait-phosphor.jpg
  • Colnect-121-662-Harlech-Castle-Wales-phosphor.jpg
  • Colnect-121-667-Goalkeeper-saving-Goal-phosphor.jpg
  • Colnect-121-678--quot-SRN-6-quot--Hovercraft-phosphor.jpg
  • Colnect-121-688-Norman-Horsemen-attacking-Harold--s-Troops-phosphor.jpg
Desc: 1sh3p

Currency: Pound sterling (pre-decimal) (240d=240p=20sh=20s=1lb)

Numerical sorting value: 900

Users of this denom: Cayman Islands (6 stamps, 1962-1969), Great Britain (22 stamps, 1953-1966), Northern Ireland (1 stamp, 1958), Scotland (1 stamp, 1958), Wales (1 stamp, 1958), British offices in Tangier (4 stamps, 1953-1957), Nauru (1 stamp, 1963), Sierra Leone (12 stamps, 1944-1964) Show with all usages

Used by 22 stamps of Great Britain: (See all uses as list)

1953 1sh3p dkgrn issue=Wilding d=Queen Elizabeth II (Wilding g) wmk=Tudor crown & E2R
6/3/1953 1sh3p dkgrn issue=Coronation 1953 d=Queen Elizabeth II wearing regalia wmk=Tudor crown & E2R
1956 1sh3p dkgrn issue=1955 d=Queen Elizabeth II (Wilding g) wmk=St Edwards crown & E2R
8/1/1957 1sh3p grn issue=Boy Scout 50th d=globe & compass & Queen Elizabeth II wmk=St Edwards crown & E2R
7/18/1958 1sh3p grn issue=6th Commonwealth Games d=dragon holding laurel & Queen Elizabeth II wmk=St Edwards crown mult perf=15x14
1959 1sh3p dkgrn issue=1958 d=Queen Elizabeth II (Wilding g) wmk=St Edwards crown mult
7/7/1960 1sh3p dkgrn issue=General Letter Office 300th d=Queen Elizabeth II & posthorn 1660 wmk=St Edwards crown mult
9/25/1961 1sh3p dkgrn issue=7th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference d=Queen Elizabeth II & Parliament wmk=St Edwards crown mult
11/14/1962 1sh3p issue=National Productivity Year d=five arrows & Queen Elizabeth II wmk=St Edwards crown mult
11/14/1962 1sh3p issue=National Productivity Year phosphor d=five arrows & Queen Elizabeth II wmk=St Edwards crown mult perf=15x14
3/21/1963 1sh3p yel&bisbrn issue=Freedom from Hunger d=Children of Three Races & Queen Elizabeth II wmk=St Edwards crown mult perf=15x14
8/15/1963 1sh3p issue=Red Cross 100th wmk=St Edwards crown mult
4/23/1964 1sh3p issue=Shakespeare Festival d=Balcony Scene in Romeo & Juliet wmk=St Edwards crown mult
8/5/1964 1sh3p grnblk&multi issue=Botanical Congress d=Fringed Water Lily wmk=St Edwards crown mult
7/8/1965 1sh3p issue=Churchill memorial d=Winston Churchill (1965) wmk=St Edwards crown mult
9/13/1965 1sh3p issue=Battle of Britain 25th d=Air-battle over St Pauls Cathedral wmk=St Edwards crown mult
10/8/1965 1sh3p issue=Post Office Tower opening d=Tower & Nash Terrace Regents Park wmk=St Edwards crown mult
1/25/1966 1sh3p issue=Robert Burns d=Nasmyth Portrait wmk=St Edwards crown mult perf=15x14
5/2/1966 1sh3p dt=views (1966) d=Harlech Castle Wales wmk=St Edwards crown mult
6/1/1966 1sh3p issue=World Cup 1966 d=Goalkeeper saving Goal wmk=St Edwards crown mult
9/19/1966 1sh3p dt=British technology d=SR N6 Hovercraft wmk=St Edwards crown mult
10/14/1966 1sh3p issue=Battle of Hastings 900th d=Norman Horsemen attacking Harolds Troops wmk=St Edwards crown mult