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2 1/2d denom (#12136) (Great Britain usage only)

  • Colnect-121-227-Queen-Victoria.jpg
  • Colnect-2618-816-Queen-Victoria.jpg
  • Colnect-2618-654-Queen-Victoria.jpg
  • Stamp_UK_1884_2.5p.jpg
  • Colnect-121-284-Queen-Victoria.jpg
  • Colnect-1550-849-Queen-Victoria---Overprint---ARMY-OFFICIAL.jpg
  • Colnect-121-302-King-Edward-VII.jpg
  • Colnect-1551-638-King-Edward-VII.jpg
  • Colnect-121-330-King-George-V.jpg
  • Colnect-121-354-King-George-V.jpg
  • Colnect-2450-748-King-George-V---Postal-Union-Congress.jpg
  • Colnect-121-379-King-George-V---Dark-Background.jpg
  • Colnect-121-394-Silver-Jubilee.jpg
  • Colnect-121-399-King-Edward-VIII.jpg
  • Colnect-2433-687-King-George-VI.jpg
  • Colnect-121-429-Centenary-postage-stamp.jpg
  • Colnect-2434-663-King-George-VI.jpg
  • Colnect-121-439-Peace.jpg
  • Colnect-121-442-King-George-VI---Silver-Wedding.jpg
  • Colnect-121-446-2-frac12-d---Islanders-gathering-Vraic-seaweed.jpg
  • Colnect-121-448-Olympic-Games.jpg
  • Colnect-121-453-Universal-Postal-Union-25-Penny.jpg
  • Colnect-2433-697-King-George-VI.jpg
  • Colnect-121-470-Festival-of-Britain.jpg
  • Colnect-2335-303-Queen-Elizabeth-II---Predecimal-Wilding.jpg
  • Colnect-121-491-Queen-Elizabet-II-Coronation.jpg
  • Colnect-2329-885-Queen-Elizabeth-II---Predecimal-Wilding.jpg
  • Colnect-121-520-Scout-badge-and-winding-rope.jpg
  • Colnect-121-533-Queen-Elizabeth-II---Predecimal-Wilding.jpg
  • Colnect-121-565-Thrift-Plant-2%C2%BDd.jpg
  • Colnect-121-576-Units-of-Productivity.jpg
  • Colnect-953-643-Units-of-Productivity-phosphor.jpg
  • Colnect-121-581-Campaign-Emblem-and-Family.jpg
  • Colnect-121-589-Rescue-at-Sea.jpg
  • Colnect-121-606-International-Geographical-Congress.jpg
Desc: 2 1/2d

Currency: Pound sterling (pre-decimal) (240d=240p=20sh=20s=1lb)

Numerical sorting value: 150

Equivalent denoms: 2 1/2P (2)

Users of this denom: Antigua (13 stamps, 1879-1949), New South Wales (8 stamps, 1890-1907), Queensland (4 stamps, 1890-1897), South Australia (6 stamps, 1891-1911), Tasmania (2 stamps, 1892-1899), Victoria (5 stamps, 1890-1905), Western Australia (2 stamps, 1890-1901), Barbuda (1 stamp, 1922), British Antarctic Territory (1 stamp, 1963), British Columbia & Vancouver Island (2 stamps, 1860), Cayman Islands (19 stamps, 1901-1969), Cyprus (1 stamp, 1880), Dominica (13 stamps, 1879-1938), Gilbert & Ellice Islands (6 stamps, 1911-1960), Great Britain (42 stamps, 1875-1964), British forces in Africa (2 stamps, 1942-1943), British forces in Somalia (1 stamp, 1943), British offices in Morocco, British currency (9 stamps, 1925-1956), British offices in Tangier (10 stamps, 1946-1957), British offices in the Turkish Empire (1 stamp, 1905), Guernsey (1 stamp, 1958), German occupation of Guernsey (1 stamp, 1941), Jersey (1 stamp, 1964), German occupation of Jersey (1 stamp, 1943), Isle of Man (1 stamp, 1964), Grenada (16 stamps, 1881-1938), Lagos (4 stamps, 1890-1905), Leeward Islands (14 stamps, 1890-1949), Montserrat (16 stamps, 1880-1949), Natal (3 stamps, 1890-1902), Nauru (5 stamps, 1916-1937), Nevis (3 stamps, 1879-1884), New Britain (4 stamps, 1914), New Hebrides (Br) (4 stamps, 1908-1925), Niger Coast Protectorate (4 stamps, 1892-1897), Northern Nigeria (4 stamps, 1900-1910), St. Christopher (3 stamps, 1879-1884), St. KittsNevis (13 stamps, 1903-1950), St. Lucia (13 stamps, 1881-1938), St. Vincent (15 stamps, 1883-1947), Sierra Leone (25 stamps, 1891-1921), Southern Nigeria (4 stamps, 1904-1912), South Georgia (1 stamp, 1963), Tobago (3 stamps, 1883-1886), Trinidad (7 stamps, 1883-1909), Trinidad & Tobago (2 stamps, 1913-1921), Tristan da Cunha (2 stamps, 1954-1960), Turks Islands (6 stamps, 1881-1893), Turks & Caicos Islands (11 stamps, 1900-1957), Virgin Islands (12 stamps, 1880-1949), Zululand (2 stamps, 1891-1894) Show with all usages

Used by 42 stamps of Great Britain: (See all uses as list)

7/1/1875 2 1/2d cl issue=1875 dt=Queen Victoria (colored letters) d=Queen Victoria (2 1/2d colored letters) wmk=small anchor perf=14 pl=1
7/1/1875 2 1/2d cl issue=1875 dt=Queen Victoria (colored letters) d=Queen Victoria (2 1/2d colored letters) wmk=small anchor pl=3
7/1/1875 2 1/2d cl issue=1875 dt=Queen Victoria (colored letters) d=Queen Victoria (2 1/2d colored letters) wmk=small anchor pl=2
5/16/1876 2 1/2d claret issue=1873 dt=Queen Victoria (colored letters) d=Queen Victoria (2 1/2d colored letters) wmk=orb perf=14
1880 2 1/2d ultra d=Queen Victoria (2 1/2d colored letters) wmk=orb pl=20
3/23/1881 2 1/2d ultra issue=1880 d=Queen Victoria (2 1/2d colored letters) wmk=imperial crown pl=21
3/23/1881 2 1/2d ultra issue=1880 d=Queen Victoria (2 1/2d colored letters) wmk=imperial crown pl=23
3/23/1881 2 1/2d ultra issue=1880 d=Queen Victoria (2 1/2d colored letters) wmk=imperial crown pl=22
4/1/1884 2 1/2d lil issue=1883 d=Queen Victoria (1883 round) wmk=imperial crown perf=14
1887 2 1/2d vio pc=bl issue=Jubilee d=Queen Victoria (Jubilee 2 1/2d) wmk=imperial crown perf=14
official 1896 2 1/2d pur issue=1896 army official wmk=imperial crown perf=14
1/1/1902 2 1/2d ultra issue=1902 d=King Edward VII (1902 2 1/2d) wmk=imperial crown perf=14
official 4/29/1902 2 1/2d ultra issue=1902 Office of Works wmk=small crown perf=14
1911 2 1/2d ultra issue=1911a d=King Edward VII (1902) wmk=imperial crown perf=15x14
8/1912 2 1/2d ultra issue=1912e d=King George V (1912 b) wmk=crown & GvR perf=15x14
6/1924 2 1/2d ultra issue=1924 d=King George V (1912 b) wmk=crown & block GvR perf=15x14
5/10/1929 2 1/2d bl issue=9th UPU Congress d=King George V (1929) wmk=crown & block GvR perf=15x14
1934 2 1/2d ultra issue=1934 d=King George V (1934 b) wmk=crown & block GvR perf=15x14
5/7/1935 2 1/2d ultra issue=Silver Jubilee d=King George V & symbols wmk=crown & block GvR perf=15x14
1936 2 1/2d brtultra d=Edward VIII (1936) wmk=crown & E8R perf=15x14
6/1937 2 1/2d brtultra issue=1937 d=King George VI (1937 a) wmk=crown & GVIR perf=15x14
5/6/1940 2 1/2d brtultra issue=stamp 100th d=Queen Victoria & King George VI wmk=crown & GVIR perf=14.5x14
1941 2 1/2d ultra issue=1941 d=King George VI (1937 a) wmk=crown & GVIR perf=15x14
6/11/1946 2 1/2d brtultra issue=Peace d=symbols of industry wmk=crown & GVIR perf=15x14
4/26/1948 2 1/2d brtultra issue=Silver Wedding d=Queen Elizabeth & King George VI wmk=crown & GVIR perf=15x14
5/10/1948 2 1/2d brtultra d=vraicking & King George VI wmk=crown & GVIR perf=15x14
7/29/1948 2 1/2d brtultra issue=Olympics 1948 d=globe in wreath & King George VI wmk=crown & GVIR perf=15x14
10/10/1949 2 1/2d ultra issue=UPU 75th d=two hemispheres & King George VI wmk=crown & GVIR perf=15x14
1950 2 1/2d ver d=King George VI (1937 a) wmk=crown & GVIR
5/3/1951 2 1/2d red issue=Festival of Britain d=symbols & King George VI wmk=crown & GVIR perf=15x14
5/1/1953 2 1/2d scar issue=Wilding d=Queen Elizabeth II (Wilding b) wmk=Tudor crown & E2R
6/3/1953 2 1/2d scar issue=Coronation 1953 d=Queen Elizabeth II & symbols wmk=Tudor crown & E2R
1955 2 1/2d scar issue=1955 d=Queen Elizabeth II (Wilding b) wmk=St Edwards crown & E2R
8/1/1957 2 1/2d scar issue=Boy Scout 50th d=knot wmk=St Edwards crown & E2R
1958 2 1/2d carred issue=graphite d=Queen Elizabeth II (Wilding b) var=graphite lines wmk=St Edwards crown mult perf=14.5x14
1959 2 1/2d scar issue=1958 d=Queen Elizabeth II (Wilding b) wmk=St Edwards crown mult
8/28/1961 2 1/2d red&blk issue=Post Office Savings Bank 100th d=Queen Elizabeth II & thrift plant wmk=St Edwards crown mult
11/14/1962 2 1/2d car&blgrn issue=National Productivity Year d=NPY symbol & Queen Elizabeth II wmk=St Edwards crown mult
11/14/1962 2 1/2d dkol&carred issue=National Productivity Year phosphor d=NPY symbol & Queen Elizabeth II wmk=St Edwards crown mult perf=15x14
3/21/1963 2 1/2d pink&lake issue=Freedom from Hunger d=Campaign Emblem & Family wmk=St Edwards crown mult perf=15x14
5/31/1963 2 1/2d issue=9th International Life-boat Conference d=rescue at sea wmk=St Edwards crown mult
7/1/1964 2 1/2d issue=20th International Geographical Congress d=Urban Development wmk=St Edwards crown mult