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2.00€ denom (#29567) (Azores region usage only)

  • XE006.03.jpg
  • XE007.06.jpg
  • XE009.07.jpg
  • XE004.09.jpg
  • XE006.10.jpg
  • XE007.10.jpg
  • XE008.10.jpg
  • Colnect-1360-099-Whaler-Heritage.jpg
  • XE004.12.jpg
  • XE006.15.jpg
Desc: 2.00€

Currency: euro (100c=1e)

Numerical sorting value: 12000

Equivalent denoms: 2,00(€) (48), 2,00€ (101), 2€ (56), 200(c) (2), 2e (12)
Unused: 2.00(€)

Users of this denom: Andorra (Fr) (2 stamps, 2002-2004), Belgium (1 stamp, 2002), Cyprus (2 stamps, 2015), Åland Islands (7 stamps, 2002-2018), France (15 stamps, 2005-2022), French Southern & Antarctic Territories (11 stamps, 2012-2022), Germany (2 stamps, 2003), Mount Athos (8 stamps, 2008-2013), Italy (2 stamps, 2004-2009), Luxembourg (3 stamps, 2003-2016), Madeira (1 stamp, 2012), Malta (18 stamps, 2007-2022), Mayotte (2 stamps, 2002-2004), Montenegro (1 stamp, 2024), Portugal (80 stamps, 2002-2020), Azores region (12 stamps, 2003-2015), Madeira region (7 stamps, 2006-2015), St. Pierre & Miquelon (13 stamps, 2002-2018), Slovenia (1 stamp, 2007), Spain (32 stamps, 2010-2018), Vatican City (14 stamps, 2004-2013) Show with all usages

Used by 12 stamps of Azores region: (See all uses as list)

6/6/2003 2.00€ issue=Heritage of the Azores d=Delicacies
7/22/2006 2.00€ dt=hydrothermal vents
5/28/2007 2.00€ dt=windmills (2007)
4/22/2009 2.00€ dt=Azores lagoons
7/1/2010 2.00€ dt=marine invertebrates from the Azores d=Sabella spallanzanii (2010)
7/1/2010 2.00€ dt=marine invertebrates from the Azores d=Sphaerechinus granularis (2010)
7/1/2010 2.00€ dt=marine invertebrates from the Azores d=Grapsus adscencionis
7/1/2010 2.00€ issue=Marine Invertebrates from the Acores
7/1/2010 2.00€ issue=Marine Invertebrates from the Acores
8/24/2011 2.00€ issue=Whaling Heritage of the Azores
6/5/2012 2.00€ dt=Fajas
5/8/2015 2.00€ issue=2015 dt=Handicrafts (2015) d=Borders