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30c denom (#11546) (New Hebrides (Fr) usage only)

  • Colnect-1279-479-Weapons-and-Totem-Poles---New-HEBRIDES.jpg
  • Colnect-2448-205-Stamps-of-1925-with-Overprint-CHIFFRE-TAXE---New-HEBRIDES.jpg
  • Colnect-4583-606-Lopevi-Island-and-Kopra-Canoe-with-Volcano---New-HEBRIDES.jpg
  • Colnect-1279-510-As-No-115-with-Imprint--FRANCE-LIBRE----New-HEBRIDES.jpg
  • Colnect-1299-536-UPU-Monument-Berne---Nouvelles-HEBRIDES.jpg
  • Colnect-5706-211-Native-in-carving-a-Totem-Pole---Nouvelle-HEBRIDES.jpg
  • Colnect-2385-549-Island-landscape--Spearfishing---Nouvelle-HEBRIDES.jpg
  • Colnect-5706-152-Bellybutton-Nautilus-Nautilus-macromphalus.jpg
  • Colnect-1317-870-DH-89-Dragon-Rapid.jpg
  • Colnect-3802-586-Red-lip-Olive-Oliva-rubrolabiata.jpg
  • Colnect-1317-893-Ephemeranta-comata.jpg
Desc: 30c

Currency: New Hebrides goldfranc (100c=1fr=1fnh)

Numerical sorting value: 1800

Users of this denom: New Hebrides (Br) (10 stamps, 1938-1973), New Hebrides (Fr) (15 stamps, 1911-1973) Show with all usages

Used by 15 stamps of New Hebrides (Fr): (See all uses as list)

7/12/1911 30c vio d=idols & weapons (1911) wmk=mult crown & CA perf=14
1912 30c vio d=idols & weapons (1911) wmk=RF perf=14
1924 30c red issue=1920s surcharges d=idols & weapons (1911) oc=blk on=1911-10c wmk=mult crown & CA perf=14
1925 30c red issue=1925 d=idols & weapons (1925) perf=14
postage due 1925 30c red issue=1925 due d=idols & weapons (1925) on=issue=1925-30c perf=14
6/1/1938 30c d=beach & Mt Lopevi perf=12
1941 30c issue=1941 d=beach & Mt Lopevi ovpt=France Libre oc=blk on=1938-30c perf=12
1949 30c issue=UPU 75th d=UPU monument (1949)
1953 30c issue=1953 d=carving perf=12.5
1957 30c ltbrn issue=1957 d=river&spear fisherman perf=13.5
11/25/1963 30c issue=1963 d=Nautilus macromphalus perf=13
1/24/1966 30c issue=Churchill memorial d=Churchill & St Paul's perf=14
2/29/1972 30c dt=airplanes (1972 New Hebrides) d=De Havilland Dragon Rapide (1972) perf=13
7/24/1972 30c issue=1972 d=Oliva rubrolabiata perf=12.5x13
2/26/1973 30c issue=Native Orchids dt=orchids (1973 New Hebrides (Fr)) d=Ephemerantha comata (1973) perf=14.5