Desc: 1/2a
Currency: Indian rupee (par) (192p=16a=1r)
Numerical sorting value: 360
Equivalent denoms: 6p (36)
Users of this denom: Aden (3 stamps, 1937-1948), Kathiri State of Seiyun (1 stamp, 1942), Quaiti State in Hadhramaut (2 stamps, 1942-1946), Bahrain (8 stamps, 1933-1956), British East Africa (13 stamps, 1890-1897), China offices in Tibet (1 stamp, 1911), East Africa & Uganda Protectorates (3 stamps, 1903-1904), French offices in Zanzibar (7 stamps, 1893-1904), India (38 stamps, 1852-1943), Bamra (3 stamps, 1888-1891), Barwani (9 stamps, 1921-1935), Bhopal (11 stamps, 1876-1932), Bhor (2 stamps, 1879-1901), Bundi (6 stamps, 1894-1947), Bussahir (4 stamps, 1895-1900), Chamba (17 stamps, 1886-1943), Charkhari (8 stamps, 1897-1943), Dhar (2 stamps, 1897-1898), Duttia (6 stamps, 1893-1916), Faridkot (2 stamps, 1886-1887), Gwalior (24 stamps, 1885-1949), Hyderabad (9 stamps, 1871-1947), Idar (3 stamps, 1939-1944), Indore (6 stamps, 1886-1941), Jaipur (10 stamps, 1904-1947), Jammu & Kashmir (8 stamps, 1878-1886), Jammu (14 stamps, 1866-1877), Kashmir (4 stamps, 1866-1867), Jind (28 stamps, 1874-1943), Kishangarh (8 stamps, 1899-1928), Las Bela (9 stamps, 1897-1904), Morvi (1 stamp, 1931), Nabha (19 stamps, 1885-1943), Nandgaon (3 stamps, 1892-1893), Orchha (3 stamps, 1913-1939), Patiala (24 stamps, 1884-1943), Poonch (5 stamps, 1877-1884), Rajasthan (6 stamps, 1949), Soruth (1 stamp, 1929), TravancoreCochin (1 stamp, 1949), Iraq (5 stamps, 1923-1931), Kuwait (9 stamps, 1923-1956), Mesopotamia (9 stamps, 1917-1921), Oman (4 stamps, 1944-1953), Bahawalpur (6 stamps, 1945-1949), Somaliland Protectorate (11 stamps, 1903-1942), Uganda (1 stamp, 1902), Zanzibar (7 stamps, 1895-1904) Show with all usages
Used by 24 stamps of Patiala: (See all uses as list)
1884 1/2a grn dt=Empress Victoria d=Queen Victoria (1882 India 1/2a) ovpt=PUTTIALLA//STATE(circle) oc=blk on=issuer=India-1882-1/2a-grn wmk=star
official 1884 1/2a grn issue=1884 official dt=Empress Victoria d=Queen Victoria (1882 India 1/2a) ovpt=PUTTIALA//STATE//SERVICE oc=blk on=issuer=India-1882-1/2a-grn wmk=star
1885 1/2a grn dt=Empress Victoria d=Queen Victoria (1882 India 1/2a) ovpt=PUTTIALLA//STATE oc=blk on=issuer=India-1882-1/2a-grn wmk=star
official 1885 1/2a dkgrn issue=1885 official wmk=star
official 1885 1/2a dkgrn issue=1885 official wmk=star
official 1891 1/2a dkgrn issue=1891 official wmk=star
1891 1/2a grn issue=1891 dt=Empress Victoria d=Queen Victoria (1882 India 1/2a) ovpt=PATIALA//STATE oc=blk on=issuer=India-1882-1/2a-grn wmk=star
1902 1/2a ltgrn d=Queen Victoria (1882 India 1/2a) ovpt=PATIALA//STATE oc=blk on=issuer=India-1900-1/2a-ltgrn wmk=star
official 1903 1/2a yelgrn issue=1903 official wmk=star
1903 1/2a grn issue=1903 d=King Edward VII (1902 India 1/2a) ovpt=PATIALA//STATE oc=blk on=issuer=India-1902-1/2a-grn wmk=star
1907 1/2a grn d=King Edward VII (1902 India 1/2a) var=P&R ovpt=PATIALA//STATE oc=blk on=issuer=India-1906-1/2a-grn wmk=star
official 1907 1/2a ltgrn issue=1907 official wmk=star
1912 1/2a grn issue=1912 d=King George V (1911 1/2a) ovpt=PATIALA//STATE oc=blk on=issuer=India-1911-1/2a-grn wmk=star
official 1912 1/2a yelgrn issue=1913 official wmk=star
official 1927 1/2a ltgrn issue=1927 official wmk=star
1928 1/2a grn issue=1928 d=King George V (1911 1/2a) ovpt=PATIALA STATE oc=blk on=issuer=India-1926-1/2a-grn wmk=mult stars
official 1935 1/2a grn issue=1935 official wmk=star
1937 1/2a grn ovpt=PATIALA STATE oc=blk on=issuer=India-1/2a-grn
official 1937 1/2a redbrn issue=1937 official wmk=mult stars
1938 1/2a brn issue=1937 d=King George VI (1937 India) ovpt=PATIALA STATE oc=blk on=issuer=India-1937-1/2a wmk=mult stars
official 1939 1/2a redbrn issue=1940 official wmk=mult stars
official 1939 1/2a pur issue=1940 official wmk=mult stars
1943 1/2a rosevio issue=1942b d=King George VI (1941 a) ovpt=PATIALA oc=blk on=issuer=India-1942-1/2a-rosevio wmk=mult stars perf=13.5x14
1943 1/2a brn issue=1942a d=King George VI (1937 India) ovpt=PATIALA oc=blk on=issuer=India-1937-1/2a wmk=mult stars