Stamp catalog
Joint Issues
55k (Russian ruble)
63k (Russian ruble)
60k denom (#8315) (Russia usage only)
(plus 117 more images)
Desc: 60k
Russian ruble (100kop=100k=1r)
Numerical sorting value: 120
Users of this denom:
Second German occupation of Lithuania
(2 stamps, 1941),
(214 stamps, 1939-1992)
Show with all usages
Used by 214 stamps of Russia:
(See all uses as list)
1939 60k rosepink issue=1939 d=arms of USSR (1939) perf=12
3/1939 60k red issue=womens flight d=Walentina Grisodubowa commander perf=12
3/9/1939 60k issue=Shevchenko 125th d=Taras Shevchenko statue perf=12
8/1/1939 60k issue=Agricultural Fair perf=12
9/1939 60k issue=Saltykov death 50th d=old perf=12
11/1939 60k dkbrnrose dt=Caucasian health resorts perf=12
12/1939 60k blgrn d=Chernyshevski perf=12
4/1940 60k ind issue=incorporation Ukraine & Byelorussia d=soldier handing out newspapers perf=12
6/1940 60k dkgraybl issue=Mayakovsky death 10th d=profile perf=12
6/1940 60k dpgrn issue=Timiryasev death 20th perf=12
7/21/1940 60k vio&bl issue=2nd Physical Culture Day perf=12
8/1940 60k scar issue=Tchaikovsky 100th d=Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky perf=12
10/1940 60k issue=Agricultural Fair 1940 d=Pavilion of Mechanization & Stalin Monument perf=12
11/1940 60k dkbl issue=Battle of Perekop 20th perf=12
1/1941 60k brnol issue=production records d=Ball-bearing plant and cars perf=12
11/1942 60k issue=war d=defense of Leningrad perf=12
1943 60k issue=war c d=fighting against tanks perf=12
1943 60k dlbl issue=war c d=sniper perf=12
1943 60k fawn issue=1939 d=arms of USSR (1943) perf=12
1/1943 60k issue=revolution 25th d=Parade of tanks perf=12
4/1943 60k issue=Bering death 200th d=Routes of Bering's voyages perf=12
6/1943 60k ind issue=Maxim Gorki 75th d=Maxim Gorky perf=12
9/1943 60k graygrn issue=Marx 125th d=Karl Marx (1943) perf=12
10/1943 60k dkblvio issue=Turgenev 125th d=Turgenev (1943) perf=12
10/1943 60k issue=Mayakovsky 50th d=Mayakovsky (1943) perf=12
10/1943 60k grn issue=Red Army & Navy 25th d=Tank and infantry perf=12
5/30/1944 60k d=flags of USA,Russia,Great Britain perf=12
5/31/1944 60k red dt=medals (1944) d=Order of Kutusov (60k) perf=12
6/1944 60k dkgrn d=Rimski Korsakov perf=12
6/1944 60k issue=20 years without Lenin d=Lenin on tribune perf=12
7/1944 60k bl issue=heroes 1944 d=Louzan perf=12
7/1944 60k vio issue=heroes 1944 d=Matrosov perf=12
7/1944 60k dpgrn issue=heroes 1944 d=Polivanova & Kovshova perf=12
7/1944 60k blgray issue=heroes 1944 d=Safonov perf=12
11/1944 60k dkbl issue=Repin 100th d=Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks (1944) perf=12
1/1945 60k graybrn d=Griboedov perf=12
1/4/1945 60k red dt=medals (1944) d=Order of Victory (1945 like 1944) perf=12
3/1945 60k d=Red Army soldier perf=12
3/1945 60k grayblk&red issue=Stalingrad victory 2nd d=soldier in ruins waving banner
4/1945 60k red dt=Red Army victories d=civilians welcoming army perf=12
4/1945 60k red d=elite guard badge & cannons perf=12
6/1945 60k grnblk issue=Battle of Moscow 3rd d=citizens defending city perf=12
7/1945 60k dkred issue=Popov invention of radio 50th d=Popov & radio & schematic perf=12
7/6/1945 60k brnred dt=medals (1945) d=Mother-Heroine perf=12
9/1945 60k issue=Lenin 75th d=speaking perf=12
9/16/1945 60k brn d=Kutusov perf=12
11/1945 60k issue=Engels 125th d=Friedrich Engels (1945) perf=12
12/14/1945 60k grayblk issue=Artillery Day d=Guns at the Red Square perf=12
12/25/1945 60k grn issue=home front contributions d=plane design perf=12
1/23/1946 60k blk&red issue=victory d=soldier & victory flag perf=12
(plus 164 more)
(See all uses as list)