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22p denom (#7643) (Alderney usage only)

  • Colnect-124-206-Healthcare---Nurse-with-Patient-in-X-Ray.jpg
  • Colnect-5382-386-Feathery-Golf-Ball-1901.jpg
  • Colnect-5382-392-Royal-Navy---Construction-of-New-Breakwater-1853.jpg
  • Colnect-5382-393-Royal-Navy---Official-Party-inspecting-Harbour-1853.jpg
  • Colnect-5383-948-Eurasian-Hobby-Falco-subbuteo.jpg
  • Colnect-5383-954-Coal-Fire-Beacon-1725.jpg
  • Colnect-5383-961-Emergency-Medical-Aid---Ambulance-Technician-at-Station.jpg
  • Colnect-5386-447-Wright-Brothers-Flyer-I-1903.jpg
  • Colnect-5396-106-Arctic-Tern-Sterna-paradisaea-.jpg
  • Colnect-5396-115-Police---Constables-On-Beat.jpg
  • Colnect-5397-628-Hypholoma-fasciculare.jpg
Desc: 22p

Currency: Pound sterling (100p=1lb)

Numerical sorting value: 1320

Users of this denom: British Antarctic Territory (5 stamps, 1980-2003), Great Britain (43 stamps, 1980-2009), Northern Ireland (3 stamps, 1981-1990), Scotland (3 stamps, 1981-1990), Wales (3 stamps, 1981-1990), Guernsey (31 stamps, 1981-2006), Alderney (11 stamps, 2001-2004), Jersey (39 stamps, 1981-2001), Isle of Man (42 stamps, 1981-2003), South Georgia (1 stamp, 1986) Show with all usages

Used by 11 stamps of Alderney: (See all uses as list)

4/26/2001 22p issue=Community services d=nurse with Patient in X-Ray
8/1/2001 22p issue=30th Anniv of Alderney Golf Club d=Feathery Golf Ball 1901
10/16/2001 22p issue=Garrison Island 2001 d=Construction of New Breakwater 1853
10/16/2001 22p issue=Garrison Island 2001 d=Official Party inspecting Harbour 1853
4/30/2002 22p dt=migratory birds (2002) d=Raptors - Northern Hobby
7/30/2002 22p issue=50th Anniv of Electrification of Les Casquets Lighthouse d=Coal Fire Beacon 1725
10/17/2002 22p issue=Community services 2002 dt=Emergency Medical Aid d=ambulance Technician at Station
4/10/2003 22p issue=Centenary of Powered Flight d=Wright Brothers Flyer I 1903
7/3/2003 22p dt=migratory birds (2003) d=Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea (2003)
10/16/2003 22p issue=Community services 2002 dt=Police d=Constables On Beat
1/29/2004 22p dt=Fungi (2004 Alderney) d=Hypholoma fasciculare (2004 Alderney)