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10p denom (#12176) (Guernsey usage only)

  • Colnect-126-681-Fort-Cornet.jpg
  • Colnect-5765-073-Views-of-Guernsey.jpg
  • Colnect-125-611-Arun-1972.jpg
  • Colnect-125-627-Field-Officer-4th-West-Regt-1824.jpg
  • Colnect-125-635-Guernsey-Parliament-Hall.jpg
  • Colnect-125-640-Self-Portrait.jpg
  • Colnect-125-645-Least-Adder--s-Tongue.jpg
  • Colnect-125-650-Tapestry-Room-Hautville.jpg
  • Colnect-125-655-Globe-Guernsey-Flag--amp--Alderney-Shield.jpg
  • Colnect-5749-762-Milkcan.jpg
  • Colnect-126-692-St-Peter--s-port.jpg
  • Colnect-5733-859-One-New-Penny-1971.jpg
  • Colnect-5730-976-One-New-Penny-1971.jpg
  • Colnect-5730-938-Major-General-Le-Marchant.jpg
  • Colnect-5730-930-Golden-Guernsey-Goat-Capra-aegagrus-hircus.jpg
  • Colnect-5730-910--Moulin-Huet-.jpg
  • Colnect-125-864-Belvoir-Herm.jpg
  • Colnect-125-943-Northern-Gannet-Morus-bassanus.jpg
  • Colnect-125-950-Bowls.jpg
  • Colnect-126-087-Sled.jpg
  • Colnect-126-083-Star.jpg
  • Colnect-126-084-Fairy.jpg
  • Colnect-126-085-Candles.jpg
  • Colnect-126-086-Robin-red-breast.jpg
  • Colnect-126-088-Caroler.jpg
  • Colnect-126-089-Santa-Claus-on-Christmas-cracker.jpg
  • Colnect-126-090-Herald-and-stars-on-glass-ball.jpg
  • Colnect-126-091-Reindeer.jpg
  • Colnect-126-092-Bell.jpg
  • Colnect-126-093-Presents-in-stocking.jpg
  • Colnect-126-094-Chapel.jpg
  • Colnect-126-125-European-Robin-Erithacus-rubecula.jpg
  • Colnect-126-120-Blue-Tit-Parus-caeruleus-Great-Tit-Parus-major-.jpg
  • Colnect-126-121-Snow-Bunting-Plectrophenax-nivalis.jpg
  • Colnect-126-122-Common-Kestrel-Falco-tinnunculus.jpg
  • Colnect-126-123-Starling-Sturnus-vulgaris.jpg
  • Colnect-126-131-Common-Kingfisher-Alcedo-atthis.jpg
  • Colnect-126-130-Common-Chaffinch-Fringilla-coelebs.jpg
  • Colnect-126-129-Grey-Heron-Ardea-cinerea.jpg
  • Colnect-126-128-Mistle-Thrush-Turdus-viscivorus.jpg
  • Colnect-126-127-Common-Barn-Owl-Tyto-alba.jpg
  • Colnect-126-126-Eurasian-Wren-Troglodytes-troglodytes.jpg
  • Colnect-126-124-European-Greenfinch-Carduelis-chloris.jpg
  • Colnect-5583-779-Alstroemeria.jpg
  • Colnect-5524-166-Powerboat.jpg
  • Colnect-3966-275-Sleeping-Boy---Christmas-Tree.jpg
  • Colnect-4067-101-Red-Campion---Silene-dioica.jpg
Desc: 10p

Currency: Pound sterling (100p=1lb)

Numerical sorting value: 600

Users of this denom: British Antarctic Territory (21 stamps, 1971-2018), British Indian Ocean Territory (6 stamps, 1993-2002), Great Britain (39 stamps, 1970-2023), Northern Ireland (1 stamp, 1976), Scotland (1 stamp, 1976), Wales (1 stamp, 1976), Guernsey (48 stamps, 1971-2021), Alderney (5 stamps, 1983-2020), Jersey (34 stamps, 1970-2015), Isle of Man (48 stamps, 1973-2016), South Georgia (19 stamps, 1971-2020), Tristan da Cunha (75 stamps, 1975-2015) Show with all usages

Used by 48 stamps of Guernsey: (See all uses as list)

postage due 1971 10p redbrn&blk issue=1971 postage due d=numeral p on Castle Cornet & St Peter Port perf=12.5x12
1/6/1971 10p issue=Bailiwick decimal perf=14.5
1/15/1974 10p issue=Royal National Lifeboat Association 150th d=Arun 1972
4/2/1974 10p issue=1974 dt=uniforms (1974) d=Field Officer 4th West Regt 1824
6/11/1974 10p issue=UPU 100th d=Guernsey Parliament Hall
9/21/1974 10p dt=Renoir paintings d=Self Portrait (Renoir)
1/7/1975 10p dt=Guernsey ferns d=Least Adder's Tongue
6/6/1975 10p issue=Victor Hugo's Exile in Guernsey d=Tapestry Room, Hautville perf=11.75
10/7/1975 10p issue=Christmas 1975 d=Globe Guernsey Flag Alderney Shield
5/29/1976 10p issue=Europa 1976 dt=handicrafts (1976 Guernsey) d=Milkcan
postage due 1977 10p ultra&blk issue=1977 postage due d=town church
2/13/1979 10p issue=1979 dt=coins (1979 Guernsey) d=One New Penny 1971
2/5/1980 10p org&cop dt=coins (1980 Guernsey) d=One New Penny 1971
5/6/1980 10p red&multi issue=Europa 1980 d=Major-General Le Marchant
8/5/1980 10p dt=golden goats
11/15/1980 10p issue=Christmas 1980 dt=paintings (1980 Guernsey) perf=11.75
7/13/1984 10p issue=1984 d=Belvoir Herm
5/22/1986 10p issue=Europa 1986 d=northern gannet Morus bassanus perf=11.5
7/24/1986 10p dt=sport (1986) d=bowls
11/17/1989 10p issue=Christmas 1989 dt=Christmas ornaments (1989) d=candle ornaments perf=13.25
11/17/1989 10p issue=Christmas 1989 dt=Christmas ornaments (1989) d=star ornament perf=13.25
11/17/1989 10p issue=Christmas 1989 dt=Christmas ornaments (1989) d=angel ornament perf=13.25
11/17/1989 10p issue=Christmas 1989 dt=Christmas ornaments (1989) d=bird ornament perf=13.25
11/17/1989 10p issue=Christmas 1989 dt=Christmas ornaments (1989) d=Sled ornament perf=13.25
11/17/1989 10p issue=Christmas 1989 dt=Christmas ornaments (1989) d=Caroler ornament perf=13.25
11/17/1989 10p issue=Christmas 1989 dt=Christmas ornaments (1989) d=Santa Claus on Christmas cracker perf=13.25
11/17/1989 10p issue=Christmas 1989 dt=Christmas ornaments (1989) d=Herald & stars on glass ball perf=13.25
11/17/1989 10p issue=Christmas 1989 dt=Christmas ornaments (1989) d=reindeer ornament perf=13.25
11/17/1989 10p issue=Christmas 1989 dt=Christmas ornaments (1989) d=bell ornament perf=13.25
11/17/1989 10p issue=Christmas 1989 dt=Christmas ornaments (1989) d=presents in stocking ornament perf=13.25
11/17/1989 10p issue=Christmas 1989 dt=Christmas ornaments (1989) d=chapel ornament perf=13.25
10/16/1990 10p issue=Christmas 1990 dt=birds (1990 Guernsey) d=Snow Bunting perf=13
10/16/1990 10p issue=Christmas 1990 dt=birds (1990 Guernsey) d=blue tit great tit perf=13
10/16/1990 10p issue=Christmas 1990 dt=birds (1990 Guernsey) d=kingfisher Alcedo atthis perf=13
10/16/1990 10p issue=Christmas 1990 dt=birds (1990 Guernsey) d=Chaffinch perf=13
10/16/1990 10p issue=Christmas 1990 dt=birds (1990 Guernsey) d=grey heron perf=13
10/16/1990 10p issue=Christmas 1990 dt=birds (1990 Guernsey) d=Mistle Thrush perf=13
10/16/1990 10p issue=Christmas 1990 dt=birds (1990 Guernsey) d=Barn Owl perf=13
10/16/1990 10p issue=Christmas 1990 dt=birds (1990 Guernsey) d=Wren perf=13
10/16/1990 10p issue=Christmas 1990 dt=birds (1990 Guernsey) d=European Robin Erithacus rubecula (1990) perf=13
10/16/1990 10p issue=Christmas 1990 dt=birds (1990 Guernsey) d=Western Greenfinch perf=13
10/16/1990 10p issue=Christmas 1990 dt=birds (1990 Guernsey) d=Common Starling perf=13
10/16/1990 10p issue=Christmas 1990 dt=birds (1990 Guernsey) d=common kestrel (1990) perf=13
5/22/1992 10p issue=1992 dt=flowers (1992 Guernsey) d=Alstroemeria perf=13.25
7/27/1999 10p issue=Maritime Heritage d=Powerboat perf=14.5x14
10/16/2003 10p issue=Christmas 2003 dt=scenes from 'Twas the Night before Christmas' d=Sleeping Boy Christmas Tree perf=14.25x14.5
2/28/2008 10p issue=2008 dt=wild flowers (2008) d=Red Campion perf=14
2/17/2021 10p issue=2021 dt=Guernsey Birds