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80fr denom (#6804) (Senegal usage only)

  • Colnect-2043-527-Scouts-at-Campfire.jpg
  • Colnect-2043-551-Telecommunications-and-Development.jpg
  • Colnect-2059-547-Health-Effects-of-Smoking.jpg
  • Colnect-1969-584-People-under-a-Baobab-tree.jpg
  • Colnect-2059-549-Lat-Dior-1842-ndash-1886-Damel-of-Cayor.jpg
  • Colnect-897-907-Yellow-Pansy-Precis-cebrene-Soldier-Pansy-Junonia-terea.jpg
  • Colnect-2059-555-Diseases-of-Millet.jpg
  • Colnect-897-909-Double-spurred-Francolin-Pternistis-bicalcaratus.jpg
  • Colnect-2059-563-FIFA-World-Cup-Trophy.jpg
  • Colnect-2089-710-Ball-and-Cup.jpg
  • Colnect-2089-737-Campement-Hut-and-Shades-on-Beach.jpg
  • Colnect-2333-902-Children-Decorating-Tree-and-Father-Christmas.jpg
  • Colnect-2187-485-JF-Kennedy-1917-1963-and-Flag.jpg
  • Colnect-2569-127-Glory-Lily-Gloriosa-superba.jpg
  • Colnect-2697-693-Senegalese-Elegance.jpg
  • Colnect-2199-413-Gymnastics.jpg
  • Colnect-2199-431-Apple-ring-Acacia-Faidherbia-albida.jpg
  • Colnect-2226-367-Taekwondo.jpg
Desc: 80fr

Currency: West African CFA franc (100c=1fr=1fcfa=1f)

Numerical sorting value: 480000

Equivalent denoms: 80f (6)

Users of this denom: Benin (5 stamps, 1978-1981), Burkina Faso (9 stamps, 1985-2000), Dahomey (1 stamp, 1967), Ivory Coast (22 stamps, 1981-2005), Mali (26 stamps, 1970-1998), Niger (24 stamps, 1967-1997), Senegal (18 stamps, 1976-2001), Upper Volta (2 stamps, 1970) Show with all usages

Used by 18 stamps of Senegal: (See all uses as list)

8/30/1976 80fr issue=1st All-Africa Scouts Jamboree d=Scouts at campfire perf=12.5
5/17/1977 80fr issue=World Telecommunications Day perf=13
6/20/1981 80fr issue=Anti-smoking Campaign
9/19/1981 80fr issue=4th International Fair perf=12.5
1/11/1982 80fr issue=140th Anniversary of the Birth of Lat Dior d=Lat Dior perf=14
2/27/1982 80fr dt=butterflies (1982 Senegal) d=Precis cebrene, Junonia terea and Salamis perf=14x14.25
4/7/1982 80fr dt=harmful insects (1982) d=Amsacta moloneyi, Tolyposporium
12/1/1982 80fr dt=birds (1982 Senegal) d=Pternistis bicalcaratus perf=11.75
12/11/1982 80fr issue=World Cup 1982 perf=12.5x13
5/10/1988 80fr issue=African Cup 1988 d=Ball & Cup perf=12.75
2/15/1989 80fr dt=hotels (1989) d=Campement Hut & Shades on beach
12/24/1993 80fr issue=Christmas 1993 perf=13x13.5
12/31/1993 80fr issue=30th Anniversary of the Death of John F. Kennedy perf=13.5x13
2/28/1994 80fr dt=flowers (1994 Senegal) d=Gloriosa superba (1994) perf=13.5
4/13/1996 80fr olgrn issue=1996
7/15/1996 80fr issue=Olympics 1996 perf=13.5x13
3/31/1997 80fr dt=Protected Trees d=Faidherbia albida (1997) perf=13x13.5
2/28/2001 80fr issue=Olympics 2000 perf=13.5x13.75