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$1000 denom (#1153) (Northeast China Liberation Area usage only)

  • Colnect-5507-958-Labor-Day.jpg
  • Colnect-3779-638-Gate-of-Heavenly-Peace-Peking.jpg
  • Colnect-3022-797-Gate-of-Heavenly-Peace-Peking.jpg
  • Colnect-3127-234-Chinese-People%E2%80%99s-Consultative-Political-Conference.jpg
  • Colnect-5585-536-1-Year-Peoples-Republic-Second-Printing.jpg
Desc: $1000

Currency: Chinese yuan (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 200000

Equivalent denoms: $1000.00 (1)

Users of this denom: China (17 stamps, 1945-1949), Japanese occupation of Central China (8 stamps, 1942-1945), Northeastern Provinces (1 stamp, 1947), Szechwan (1 stamp, 1949), Northeast China Liberation Area (6 stamps, 1949-1950), North China Liberation Area (4 stamps, 1949), Northwest China Liberation Area (1 stamp, 1948), East China Liberation Area (4 stamps, 1948-1949), Central China Liberation Area (4 stamps, 1949), South China Liberation Area (2 stamps, 1950), Southwest China Liberation Area (4 stamps, 1949-1950) Show with all usages

Used by 6 stamps of Northeast China Liberation Area: (See all uses as list)

5/1/1949 $1000 red&bl issue=Labor Day 1949
1950 $1000 lilrose issue=gate NE 1st d=Gate of Heavenly Peace
1950 $1000 org issue=gate NE 1st d=Gate of Heavenly Peace
1950 $1000 issue=gate NE 2nd d=Gate of Heavenly Peace wmk=zigzag lines
2/1/1950 $1000 d=Mao & conference hall
10/1/1950 $1000 issue=First Anniversary of the People's Republic of China d=flag of PRC