Denom |
Usages |
Selected stamps |
5s |
2 |
7/1/1948 mag issue=1948 d=cycad, 7/18/1949 mag issue=1949 d=cycad |
10s |
2 |
7/1/1948 yelgrn issue=1948 d=stylized lily, 7/18/1949 yelgrn issue=1949 d=Lily |
20s |
2 |
7/1/1948 yelgrn issue=1948 d=cycad, 7/18/1949 yelgrn issue=1949 d=cycad |
30s |
2 |
7/1/1948 ver issue=1948 d=Sailing Ship - White paper, 7/18/1949 ver issue=1949 d=junk (1948) |
40s |
2 |
7/1/1948 mag issue=1948 d=lily - White paper, 7/18/1949 mag issue=1949 d=Lily |
50s |
3 |
7/1/1948 ultra issue=1948 d=junk (1948) ... 1/21/1950 carrose issue=1950 d=rooftop ornamentation |
1y |
4 |
7/1/1948 ultra issue=1948 d=farmer (1948) ... 11/20/1952 dt=historical sites d=old Madan bridge |
2y |
4 |
1/21/1950 pur issue=1950 d=Shun Castle ... 12/1/1957 d=Phoenix (1957) |
3y |
6 |
1/21/1950 carrose issue=1950 d=Dragon Head ... 5/26/1953 mag issue=Perry visit 100th d=Shuri Castle reception |
4y |
9 |
1/21/1950 graygrn issue=1950 d=Women at Beach ... 7/1/1958 issue=stamp 10th d=Ryukyu Stamps |
5y |
3 |
1/21/1950 grn issue=1950 d=Seashells ... 5/1/1956 rosepur dt=dancers (1956) d=willow dance |
6y |
2 |
1/20/1953 bl dt=historical sites d=Sogenji Temple, Naha, 5/26/1953 ultra issue=Perry visit 100th d=US Fleet in Naha harbor |
8y |
2 |
2/15/1950 brtbl d=dove & map of Ryukyus, 5/1/1956 blvio dt=dancers (1956) d=straw hat dance |
10y |
2 |
1952 carrose d=rooftop ornamentation oc=blk on=1950-50s, 1/20/1953 crim dt=historical sites d=Benzaiten-do Temple |
12y |
1 |
2/15/1950 grn d=dove & map of Ryukyus |
13y |
1 |
11/1/1951 bl issue=1951 air d=Heavenly Maiden |
14y |
1 |
5/1/1956 brn dt=dancers (1956) d=warrior dance |
15y |
2 |
1954 ver issue=industrial arts d=lacquerware, 8/1/1957 blgrn issue=1957 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute |
16y |
1 |
2/15/1950 rosecar d=dove & map of Ryukyus |
18y |
1 |
11/1/1951 grn issue=1951 air d=Heavenly Maiden |
20y |
2 |
1954 yelorg issue=industrial arts d=Textile Design, 8/1/1957 rosecar issue=1957 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute |
30y |
2 |
11/1/1951 cer issue=1951 air d=Heavenly Maiden, 1/20/1953 olgrn dt=historical sites d=Sonohan Utaki |
35y |
1 |
8/1/1957 yelgrn issue=1957 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute |
40y |
1 |
8/16/1954 redvio issue=1951 air d=Heavenly Maiden |
45y |
1 |
8/1/1957 redbrn issue=1957 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute |
50y |
2 |
1/20/1953 rosevio dt=historical sites d=Tamaudum mausoleum, 8/16/1954 yelorg issue=1951 air d=Heavenly Maiden |
60y |
1 |
8/1/1957 gray issue=1957 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute |
100y |
2 |
1952 pur d=Shun Castle oc=blk on=1950-2y, 1/20/1953 cl dt=historical sites d=Stone Bridge at Hosho Pond |