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Japanese yen (Ryukyu Islands usage only)

Name: Japanese yen
Defn: 1000rin=1000r=100sen=100s=1y
Symbol: ¥
Code: JPY
Desc: new
Units of money:
ren r 1
sen s 10
yen y 1000

Users of this currency: Japanese occupation of Central China (6 stamps, 1941-1942), Japanese occupation of Hong Kong (3 stamps, 1945), Japan (9525 stamps, 1900-2019), Japanese offices in China (49 stamps, 1900-1920), Japanese offices in Korea (15 stamps, 1900), Japanese offices in Taiwan (3 stamps, 1945), Japanese occupation of North Borneo (14 stamps, 1944), Ryukyu Islands (64 stamps, 1948-1958) Show with all usages

Denominations used by Ryukyu Islands in this currency:
Denom Usages Selected stamps
5s 2   7/1/1948 mag issue=1948 d=cycad, 7/18/1949 mag issue=1949 d=cycad
10s 2   7/1/1948 yelgrn issue=1948 d=stylized lily, 7/18/1949 yelgrn issue=1949 d=Lily
20s 2   7/1/1948 yelgrn issue=1948 d=cycad, 7/18/1949 yelgrn issue=1949 d=cycad
30s 2   7/1/1948 ver issue=1948 d=Sailing Ship - White paper, 7/18/1949 ver issue=1949 d=junk (1948)
40s 2   7/1/1948 mag issue=1948 d=lily - White paper, 7/18/1949 mag issue=1949 d=Lily
50s 3   7/1/1948 ultra issue=1948 d=junk (1948) ... 1/21/1950 carrose issue=1950 d=rooftop ornamentation
1y 4   7/1/1948 ultra issue=1948 d=farmer (1948) ... 11/20/1952 dt=historical sites d=old Madan bridge
2y 4   1/21/1950 pur issue=1950 d=Shun Castle ... 12/1/1957 d=Phoenix (1957)
3y 6   1/21/1950 carrose issue=1950 d=Dragon Head ... 5/26/1953 mag issue=Perry visit 100th d=Shuri Castle reception
4y 9   1/21/1950 graygrn issue=1950 d=Women at Beach ... 7/1/1958 issue=stamp 10th d=Ryukyu Stamps
5y 3   1/21/1950 grn issue=1950 d=Seashells ... 5/1/1956 rosepur dt=dancers (1956) d=willow dance
6y 2   1/20/1953 bl dt=historical sites d=Sogenji Temple, Naha, 5/26/1953 ultra issue=Perry visit 100th d=US Fleet in Naha harbor
8y 2   2/15/1950 brtbl d=dove & map of Ryukyus, 5/1/1956 blvio dt=dancers (1956) d=straw hat dance
10y 2   1952 carrose d=rooftop ornamentation oc=blk on=1950-50s, 1/20/1953 crim dt=historical sites d=Benzaiten-do Temple
12y 1   2/15/1950 grn d=dove & map of Ryukyus
13y 1   11/1/1951 bl issue=1951 air d=Heavenly Maiden
14y 1   5/1/1956 brn dt=dancers (1956) d=warrior dance
15y 2   1954 ver issue=industrial arts d=lacquerware, 8/1/1957 blgrn issue=1957 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute
16y 1   2/15/1950 rosecar d=dove & map of Ryukyus
18y 1   11/1/1951 grn issue=1951 air d=Heavenly Maiden
20y 2   1954 yelorg issue=industrial arts d=Textile Design, 8/1/1957 rosecar issue=1957 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute
30y 2   11/1/1951 cer issue=1951 air d=Heavenly Maiden, 1/20/1953 olgrn dt=historical sites d=Sonohan Utaki
35y 1   8/1/1957 yelgrn issue=1957 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute
40y 1   8/16/1954 redvio issue=1951 air d=Heavenly Maiden
45y 1   8/1/1957 redbrn issue=1957 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute
50y 2   1/20/1953 rosevio dt=historical sites d=Tamaudum mausoleum, 8/16/1954 yelorg issue=1951 air d=Heavenly Maiden
60y 1   8/1/1957 gray issue=1957 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute
100y 2   1952 pur d=Shun Castle oc=blk on=1950-2y, 1/20/1953 cl dt=historical sites d=Stone Bridge at Hosho Pond

Used by 64 stamps of Ryukyu Islands: (See all uses as list)
7/1/1948 10s yelgrn issue=1948 d=stylized lily wmk=curved wavy lines perf=13
7/1/1948 20s yelgrn issue=1948 d=cycad wmk=curved wavy lines
7/1/1948 30s ver issue=1948 d=Sailing Ship - White paper wmk=curved wavy lines
7/1/1948 40s mag issue=1948 d=lily - White paper wmk=curved wavy lines
7/1/1948 50s ultra issue=1948 d=junk (1948) wmk=curved wavy lines
7/1/1948 1y ultra issue=1948 d=farmer (1948) wmk=curved wavy lines
7/1/1948 5s mag issue=1948 d=cycad wmk=curved wavy lines
7/18/1949 50s ultra issue=1949 d=junk (1948) wmk=curved wavy lines
7/18/1949 1y ultra issue=1949 d=farmer (1949) wmk=curved wavy lines
7/18/1949 40s mag issue=1949 d=Lily wmk=curved wavy lines
7/18/1949 30s ver issue=1949 d=junk (1948) wmk=curved wavy lines
7/18/1949 20s yelgrn issue=1949 d=cycad wmk=curved wavy lines
7/18/1949 10s yelgrn issue=1949 d=Lily wmk=curved wavy lines
7/18/1949 5s mag issue=1949 d=cycad wmk=curved wavy lines
1/21/1950 50s carrose issue=1950 d=rooftop ornamentation perf=13x13.5
1/21/1950 1y bl issue=1950 d=Ryukyu Girl perf=13x13.5
1/21/1950 2y pur issue=1950 d=Shun Castle perf=13x13.5
1/21/1950 3y carrose issue=1950 d=Dragon Head perf=13x13.5
1/21/1950 4y graygrn issue=1950 d=Women at Beach perf=13x13.5
1/21/1950 5y grn issue=1950 d=Seashells perf=13x13.5
special delivery 2/15/1950 5y brtbl d=dragon & map of Ryukyus perf=13x13.5
airmail 2/15/1950 16y rosecar d=dove & map of Ryukyus perf=13x13.5
airmail 2/15/1950 12y grn d=dove & map of Ryukyus perf=13x13.5
airmail 2/15/1950 8y brtbl d=dove & map of Ryukyus perf=13x13.5
2/12/1951 3y redbrn d=Ryukyu University perf=13.5x13
... skipping 14 ...
1/20/1953 100y cl dt=historical sites d=Stone Bridge at Hosho Pond perf=13.5x13
5/26/1953 6y ultra issue=Perry visit 100th d=US Fleet in Naha harbor perf=13.5
5/26/1953 3y mag issue=Perry visit 100th d=Shuri Castle reception perf=13.5
10/1/1953 4y yelbrn issue=3rd newspaper week d=Chofu Ota & pencil perf=13.5x13
1954 20y yelorg issue=industrial arts d=Textile Design
1954 4y brn issue=industrial arts d=wine flask
1954 15y ver issue=industrial arts d=lacquerware
airmail 8/16/1954 50y yelorg issue=1951 air d=Heavenly Maiden perf=13x13.5
airmail 8/16/1954 40y redvio issue=1951 air d=Heavenly Maiden perf=13x13.5
10/1/1954 4y bl issue=Newspaper Week 1954 d=Shi Toma Pen perf=13.5x13
11/26/1955 4y bl issue=sweet potato introduction 350th d=Noguni Shrine & Sweet Potato Plant perf=13.5x13
2/18/1956 4y blgrn issue=Arbor Week d=Stylized Trees perf=13.5
5/1/1956 8y blvio dt=dancers (1956) d=straw hat dance perf=13x13.5
5/1/1956 5y rosepur dt=dancers (1956) d=willow dance
5/1/1956 14y brn dt=dancers (1956) d=warrior dance
6/8/1956 4y blvio d=telephone dial & telephone perf=13x13.5
12/1/1956 2y dkbl&multi d=New Year garland perf=13x13.5
airmail 8/1/1957 15y blgrn issue=1957 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute perf=13.5
airmail 8/1/1957 20y rosecar issue=1957 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute perf=13.5
airmail 8/1/1957 35y yelgrn issue=1957 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute perf=13.5
airmail 8/1/1957 45y redbrn issue=1957 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute perf=13.5
airmail 8/1/1957 60y gray issue=1957 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute perf=13.5
10/1/1957 4y viobl d=pencil rocket & map perf=13.5x13
12/1/1957 2y d=Phoenix (1957) perf=13.25x13.5
7/1/1958 4y issue=stamp 10th d=Ryukyu Stamps perf=13.5
