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United States dollar (Ryukyu Islands usage only)

Name: United States dollar
Defn: 100c=1us$=1p=1$
Symbol: $
Code: USD
Desc: new
Units of money:
cent c 1
dollar $ 100

Users of this currency: Caribbean Netherlands (151 stamps, 2016-2019), East Timor (21 stamps, 2002-2016), Ecuador (1422 stamps, 2000-2018), Marshall Islands (4188 stamps, 1984-2021), Micronesia (2864 stamps, 1984-2017), Palau (4007 stamps, 1983-2020), Philippines (39 stamps, 1899-1904), Puerto Rico (12 stamps, 1898-1900), Ryukyu Islands (191 stamps, 1958-1972), El Salvador (212 stamps, 2007-2019), Caicos Islands (86 stamps, 1981-1985), Turks & Caicos Islands (1793 stamps, 1969-2015), United Nations (1489 stamps, 1951-2019), St. Louis, MO (8 stamps, 1845-1846), United States (6805 stamps, 1847-2023), Alexandria, VA (3 stamps, 1846), Annapolis, MD (1 stamp, 1846), Baltimore, MD (4 stamps, 1845), Boscawen, NH (1 stamp, 1846), Brattleboro, VT (1 stamp, 1846), Lockport, NY (1 stamp, 1846), Millbury, MA (1 stamp, 1846), New Haven, CT (4 stamps, 1845), New York, NY (8 stamps, 1845-1847), Providence, RI (2 stamps, 1846), Canal Zone (148 stamps, 1924-1978), Athens, GA (4 stamps, 1861), Demopolis, AL (3 stamps, 1861), Eatonton, GA (2 stamps, 1861), Guam (14 stamps, 1899), Hawaii (90 stamps, 1851-1899), Virgin Islands (1221 stamps, 1962-2023) Show with all usages

Denominations used by Ryukyu Islands in this currency:
Denom Usages Selected stamps
1/2c 5   9/16/1958 org d=symbol ... 10/15/1969 d=++on=6/1/1962/3c
1c 3   9/16/1958 yelgrn d=symbol ... 12/5/1961 gray&multi issue=1961 dancers dt=Ryukyuan dances d=Munjuru
1 1/2c 15   12/10/1958 d=lion dance ... 12/10/1970 issue=Year of the Pig 1971 d=wild boar & cherry blossoms
2c 2   9/16/1958 dkblgrn d=symbol, 12/10/1971 issue=Year of the Rat 1972 d=Rat & chrysanthemums
2 1/2c 2   11/1/1960 dt=Ryukyuan dances d=Nutwabushi, 6/20/1962 gray&multi issue=1961 dancers dt=Ryukyuan dances d=Nutwabushi
3c 112   9/16/1958 car d=symbol ... 12/1/1971 d=Deva King
4c 4   9/16/1958 brtgrn d=symbol ... 1/20/1972 d=Yabuchi Island from Yakena Port
5c 8   9/16/1958 brnorg d=symbol ... 4/20/1972 ultra&multi issue=Final Issue d=antique sake pot
5 1/2c 1   8/28/1963 issue=1963 air d=jetliner over Gate of Courtesy
7c 1   8/28/1963 issue=1963 air d=Jet plane
8c 6   8/10/1959 issue=1959 d=Phalium bandatum, Nautilus pompilius ... 9/1/1964 ultra issue=microwave system opening d=parabolic antenna & map of Ryukyus
9c 3   12/20/1959 blgrn issue=1959 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute ovpt=9 c//bars oc=car on=1957-15y ... 9/21/1961 dt=deities d=Heavenly Maiden
10c 3   9/16/1958 aqua d=symbol ... 6/20/1962 gray&multi issue=1961 dancers dt=Ryukyuan dances d=Hanafubushi
13c 3   8/10/1959 issue=1959 d=Kallima inachus (1959) ... 6/1/1962 dt=flowers (1962 Ryukyu Islands) d=Impatiens balsamina (1962)
14c 3   12/20/1959 rosecar issue=1959 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute ovpt=14 c//bars oc=bl on=1957-20y ... 9/21/1961 dt=deities d=Heavenly Maiden fluting 1961
15c 1   10/15/1963 d=mamaomoto flowers
17c 3   8/10/1959 issue=1959 d=Dactylometra pacifica ... 6/1/1962 dt=flowers (1962 Ryukyu Islands) d=Alpinia nutans (1962)
19c 3   12/20/1959 issue=1959 air ... 9/21/1961 dt=deities
20c 1   1/20/1962 gray&multi issue=1961 dancers dt=Ryukyuan dances d=Shundun
25c 2   9/16/1958 ltviobl d=symbol, 2/1/1962 gray&multi issue=1961 dancers dt=Ryukyuan dances d=Hanagasabushi
27c 3   12/20/1959 brn issue=1959 air ... 9/21/1961 dt=deities
35c 3   12/20/1959 issue=1959 air ... 9/21/1961 dt=deities d=Maiden over Tree Tops
50c 2   9/16/1958 gray d=symbol, 9/1/1961 gray&multi issue=1961 dancers dt=Ryukyuan dances d=Nubui Kuduchi
$1 2   9/16/1958 roselil d=symbol, 9/1/1961 graygrn&multi issue=1961 dancers dt=Ryukyuan dances d=Kutubushi

Used by 191 stamps of Ryukyu Islands: (See all uses as list)
9/16/1958 1c yelgrn d=symbol
9/16/1958 2c dkblgrn d=symbol
9/16/1958 3c car d=symbol
9/16/1958 4c brtgrn d=symbol
9/16/1958 5c brnorg d=symbol
9/16/1958 10c aqua d=symbol
9/16/1958 25c ltviobl d=symbol
9/16/1958 50c gray d=symbol
9/16/1958 $1 roselil d=symbol
9/16/1958 1/2c org d=symbol
10/15/1958 3c d=Gate of Courtesy perf=13.5
12/10/1958 1 1/2c d=lion dance perf=13.5
4/30/1959 3c d=trees & mountains perf=13.5
7/23/1959 3c d=yonaguni moth perf=13x13.5
8/10/1959 1/2c issue=1959 d=hibiscus (1959 Ryukyu Islands) perf=13x13.5
8/10/1959 3c turq&multi issue=1959 d=Moorish Idol fish perf=13x13.5
8/10/1959 8c issue=1959 d=Phalium bandatum, Nautilus pompilius perf=13x13.5
8/10/1959 13c issue=1959 d=Kallima inachus (1959) perf=13x13.5
8/10/1959 17c issue=1959 d=Dactylometra pacifica perf=13x13.5
12/1/1959 1 1/2c gld&multi issue=Year of the Rat 1960 d=Toy Yakaji perf=13.5
airmail 12/20/1959 14c rosecar issue=1959 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute ovpt=14 c//bars oc=bl on=1957-20y perf=13.5
airmail 12/20/1959 9c blgrn issue=1959 air d=Heavenly Maiden playing flute ovpt=9 c//bars oc=car on=1957-15y perf=13.5
airmail 12/20/1959 35c issue=1959 air perf=13.5
airmail 12/20/1959 27c brn issue=1959 air perf=13.5
airmail 12/20/1959 19c issue=1959 air perf=13.5
... skipping 141 ...
4/28/1970 3c issue=classic opera dt=classic operas d=The Bell perf=13.5
5/22/1970 3c issue=Underwater Observatory completion d=Underwater Observatory perf=13.5
5/29/1970 3c issue=classic opera dt=classic operas d=Child & Kidnapper perf=13.5
6/30/1970 3c issue=classic opera dt=classic operas d=Robe of Feathers perf=13.5
7/30/1970 3c issue=classic opera dt=classic operas d=Vengeance of Two Sons perf=13.5
8/25/1970 3c issue=classic opera dt=classic operas d=The Virgin and the Dragon perf=13.5
9/25/1970 3c d=Jahana Noboru perf=13.5
10/1/1970 3c issue=census 1970 d=map of Okinawa & people perf=13.5
11/2/1970 3c d=Great Cycad of Une perf=13.5
11/15/1970 3c issue=citizen participation d=Flag Diet Map perf=13.5
12/10/1970 1 1/2c issue=Year of the Pig 1971 d=wild boar & cherry blossoms perf=13.5
2/16/1971 3c d=Low Hand Loom perf=13.5
3/16/1971 3c d=Filature perf=13.5
7/30/1971 3c d=View from Mabuni Hill perf=13.5
8/30/1971 3c d=Mt Arashi from Haneji Sea perf=13.5
11/1/1971 4c d=dancer (1971) perf=13.5
12/1/1971 3c d=Deva King perf=13.5
12/10/1971 2c issue=Year of the Rat 1972 d=Rat & chrysanthemums perf=13.5
12/24/1971 4c issue=nurses' training 25th d=Student Nurse perf=13.5
1/20/1972 4c d=Yabuchi Island from Yakena Port perf=13.5
3/21/1972 5c issue=scenic d=coral reef (1972) perf=13.5
3/30/1972 5c issue=scenic d=Sun over islands perf=13.5
4/14/1972 5c issue=scenic d=birds on seashore perf=13.5
4/17/1972 5c bl&red&gray d=US flag & Japanese flag & dove perf=13.5
4/20/1972 5c ultra&multi issue=Final Issue d=antique sake pot perf=13.5
