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red & yellow

Stamps with this color combination:
  • Colnect-417-433-Empire-Crescent.jpg
  • Colnect-1645-510-Nasr-ed-Din-Shah-1831-1896.jpg
  • Colnect-1803-450-Flying-Geese.jpg
  • Colnect-139-379-Helvetia-with-sword.jpg
  • Colnect-2344-993-Flying-Geese-Sung-Characters-Overprinted-back.jpg
  • Colnect-1810-451-Flying-Geese-Kai-Characters-Overprinted.jpg
  • %25E5%258A%25A0%25E8%2593%258B%25E8%2587%25A8%25E6%2599%2582%25E4%25B8%25AD%25E7%25AB%258B%25E9%2583%25B5%25E7%25A5%25A8.jpg
  • Colnect-1810-445-Flying-Geese-Republic-of-China-and-Provisional-Neutrality-O.jpg
  • Colnect-4487-195-Mandarin-Duck.jpg
  • Colnect-139-435-Peace-goddes-with-palm-branch.jpg
  • Colnect-158-845-Definitive-series-I-Lion-type-m-17.jpg
  • DR_1921_192_Posthorn.jpg
  • Colnect-5646-210-Town-Hall-Saarbrucken---o-prntB-DIENSTMARKE.jpg
  • Colnect-3265-590-Seals-1921-Landscape-Centimes.jpg
  • Colnect-133-691-War-victims.jpg
  • Colnect-133-742-Dicks-Edmond-de-la-Fontaine-poet-and-composer.jpg
  • Colnect-168-740-Nuno--Aacute-lvares-Pereira-1360--ndash--1431-general.jpg
  • Colnect-2761-666-Tabebuia-National-Tree.jpg
  • Colnect-3271-671-Bell.jpg
  • Colnect-123-664-To-Pay.jpg
  • Colnect-4968-958-Kings-Throne.jpg
  • Colnect-795-182-First-Five-Year-Plan.jpg
  • Colnect-447-249-4th-Trade-Unions-Congress.jpg
  • Colnect-1935-436-Pioneers-rsquo--emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-1375-120-Child-learning-to-walk.jpg
  • Colnect-1375-121-Child-learning-to-walk.jpg
  • Colnect-444-219-Ma%C5%88%C3%A1sek-doll.jpg
  • Colnect-2192-876-Three-ears-of-corn-in-front-of-globe.jpg
  • Colnect-4969-625-Stylized-Campfire.jpg
  • Colnect-1414-395-ITU-Emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-171-713-Postal-Development.jpg
  • Colnect-4568-600-10s-On-1s.jpg
  • Colnect-144-812-New-postcode.jpg
  • Colnect-1523-287-50th-Anniv-of-USSR---Flag-of-USSR-and-Spasski-Tower.jpg
  • Colnect-156-591-International-Women--s-Year.jpg
  • Colnect-2552-774-Independence-33th-Anniv.jpg
  • Colnect-2134-740-Convention-on-the-Rights-of-Persons-with-Disabilities.jpg
  • Colnect-2134-739-Convention-on-the-Rights-of-Persons-with-Disabilities.jpg
  • Colnect-5782-083-Year-of-the-Dragon.jpg
Description: red & yellow
Abbrev: red&yel


Used by 41 stamps: (See all uses as list)
China postage 1906 $2 issue=1900 dt=Chinese Imperial Post d=wild goose (1898) unwmk
China postage 1912 $2 issue=1912a dt=Chinese Imperial Post d=wild goose (1898) ovpt=type1 oc=blk on=issue=1900-$2 unwmk
China postage 1912 $2 issue=1912c dt=Chinese Imperial Post d=wild goose (1898) ovpt=type3 slanted oc=blk on=issue=1900-$2 unwmk
China postage 1/30/1912 $2 issue=Foochow neutrality dt=Chinese Imperial Post d=wild goose (1898) ovpt=Foochow oc=blk on=issue=1900-$2 unwmk
China postage 3/20/1912 $2 issue=Nanking neutrality dt=Chinese Imperial Post d=wild goose (1898) ovpt=Nanking oc=blk on=issue=1900-$2-red&yel unwmk
China offices in Tibet postage 1911 2r dt=Chinese Imperial Post d=wild goose (1898) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=China-1906-$2 unwmk
China, PRC postage 1/30/1958 8f issue=1st 5-year plan completion unwmk perf=14
China, PRC postage 11/10/1959 4f issue=Young Pioneers 10th d=n1. unwmk perf=11.5
Czechoslovakia postage 5/13/1959 30h issue=4th Trade Union Congress d=Congress Emblem and Industrial Plant unwmk perf=11.75x11.25
Czechoslovakia postage 6/20/1961 30h dt=puppets (1961) d=Maňásek doll unwmk perf=11.25x11.75
Denmark semipostal 3/20/1975 90+20(o) issue=International Women's Year unwmk
Dominican Republic postal tax 10/1/1955 1c d=Lorraine Cross & bell wmk=crosses & circles perf=11.5x12
Finland postage 3/7/1921 25m issue=1917 d=arms of Finland (1917) unwmk perf=14.25x14
France postage 6/5/1972 0.50fr issue=Postal Code Campaign unwmk perf=13
Germany postage 5/1921 3m issue=1921 d=posthorn (1921) wmk=lozenges
Great Britain postage due 11/22/1955 5sh issue=1955 due d=numeral (1914 Great Britain) wmk=St Edwards crown & E2R perf=14x15
Grenada postage 5/17/1965 50c issue=ITU 100th d=lightning bolt & globe wmk=St Edwards crown & CA perf=15clean
India postage 12/30/1972 20p issue=Soviet Union 50th wmk=Asokan capital
Iran postage 1894 1k issue=1894 d=Shah Nasr-ed-Din (1894) perf=11.5x11
Italy postage 12/1/1968 25l issue=stamp day 1968 wmk=stars perf=14
Japan postage 11/3/1916 3s issue=crown prince Hirohito nomination d=mandarin duck wmk=zigzag lines perf=12.5
Jordan postage 2/7/1967 50f issue=John F. Kennedy 1967 wmk=HKJ
Lebanon airmail 8/16/1960 20p issue=Day of Mother and Child d=Child learning to walk unwmk perf=13.5x13
Lebanon airmail 8/16/1960 20+10p issue=Day of Mother and Child d=Child learning to walk unwmk perf=13.5x13
Luxembourg semipostal 12/20/1945 1.50+1fr issue=War Victims 1945 unwmk perf=11.5
Luxembourg semipostal 11/18/1948 1.50fr+50c issue=Caritas 1948 d=Dicks Edmond de la Fontaine poet & composer unwmk perf=11.5
Micronesia postage 11/7/2011 $8 issue=Year of the Dragon 2012 unwmk imperf
Nepal postage 5/2/1956 6p issue=coronation d=Kings-Throne unwmk
Netherlands postage 3/21/1963 30c issue=Freedom from Hunger d=wheat & globe unwmk perf=14x12.75
Portugal postage 5/6/1949 1e issue=1949 dt=portraits (1949 Portugal) d=Pereira unwmk perf=11.5
Saar postage 3/1/1922 25c issue=1922 dt=scenery (1922)
Saar official 1922 25c issue=1922 official dt=scenery (1922) ovpt=DIENSTMARKE oc=blk on=issue=1922-25c-red&yel
Sudan postage 1/22/1990 150p issue=independence 33rd wmk=mult SG perf=13.5x13
Surinam semipostal 7/29/1964 10+5c issue=Jamborette at Paramaribo d=Stylized campfire unwmk perf=12.75x14
Switzerland postage 8/1908 20(c) issue=1907c d=Helvetia seated wmk=Swiss cross perf=11.5 paper=granite
Switzerland postage 8/1/1919 10c issue=Peace d=goddess of peace wmk=Swiss cross perf=11.5
Tonga postage 12/19/1968 10s issue=South Pacific Games Field and Track Trials d=++on=1sh wmk=mult crown & script CA
Turkey postage 3/13/1888 25pi d=crescent (1876) unwmk
UN offices in Geneva postage 6/6/2008 1.00f.s. issue=Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities unwmk
UN offices in Geneva postage 6/6/2008 1.80f.s. issue=Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities unwmk
Venezuela airmail 8/25/1950 90c issue=Forest Week 1950 d=Tabebuia chrysantha (1950) unwmk perf=12