Stamps with this color combination:
Description: yellow & gray black
Abbrev: yel&grayblk
Used by 6 stamps: (See all uses as list)
British Central Africa postage 8/1897 2p issue=1897 d=arms of British Central Africa (1897) wmk=crown & CA perf=14
Czechoslovakia postage 5/12/1956 30h issue=Mozart 200th d=Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart unwmk perf=11.5
Aegean Islands special delivery 8/28/1932 4.50+1.50l issue=1932 express air
Liberia postage 12/1/1947 10c issue=Matilda Newport defense 100th d=Matilda Newport firing cannon unwmk
El Salvador official 1906 3c issue=1906 official b d=Pedro Jose Escalon unwmk
Transvaal postage 1905 2sh issue=1904 d=King Edward VII (1902 Transvaal) wmk=mult crown & CA perf=11.5