Stamps with this color combination:
Description: red & olive
Abbrev: red&ol
Used by 17 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Austria postage 8/18/1910 2kr issue=Franz Josef 80th d=Schönbrunn Palace from front (1910) unwmk perf=9-12.5
Bulgaria postage 12/30/1978 53st issue=PHILASERDICA '79 c unwmk perf=13
Dahomey postage 1925 10c issue=1913 d=man climbing oil palm unwmk
Estonia semipostal 11/19/1927 12+12m issue=Charity to the Committee for the Commemoration of War of Liberty wmk=arms of Finland in sheet
Ethiopia semipostal 5/7/1959 15c+2c issue=Red Cross 100th wmk=Ethiopian star & Amharic chars perf=13.5
Berlin postage 11/16/1978 90pf issue=National Library opening unwmk perf=14
Latvia semipostal 5/12/1932 12s issue=Latvian Home Guards fund wmk=mult swastikas
Madagascar postage 1908 2c issue=sedan chair d=sedan chair unwmk
Monaco postage 11/12/1974 0.60fr issue=350th Anniversary of Monegasque Numismatic Art unwmk perf=13x12.75
Mongolia postage 9/16/1961 70m issue=40th Anniversary of the People's Republic of Mongolia e unwmk perf=12
New Caledonia postage 1928 40c issue=1928 d=landscape with chiefs house unwmk
New Caledonia postage 5/17/1932 40c d=landscape with chiefs house ovpt=airplane etc oc=blk on=issue=1928-40c unwmk
New Caledonia postage 12/4/1933 40c d=landscape with chiefs house ovpt=airplane//PARIS-NOUMEA//etc oc=blk on=issue=1928-40c unwmk
New Caledonia postage 1941 40c issue=France Libre d=landscape with chiefs house ovpt=France Libre on=issue=1928-40c unwmk
Nicaragua airmail 8/29/1947 8c issue=1947 air unwmk perf=12.5
Samoa postage 8/29/1939 1p issue=New Zealand control 25th d=village wmk=multiple NZ & star perf=11
Wallis & Futuna Islands postage 1930 40c issue=1930 d=landscape with chiefs house ovpt=ILES WALLIS//et//FUTUNA oc=blk on=issuer=New Caledonia-issue=1928-40c unwmk